Small Business

4 Ways Rest Helps Your Business


Recently, our world was required to shelter in place. This was a very new experience for most of us and most of us will never see it again. However, the shelter in place caused us to pause our regular activities. We had to learn new ways to live and work. You can review more about this in last my blog – Collective Pause of 2020.

This week I want to take a look at one of the areas that pausing allows us to focus on…REST. REST is the first part of pausing.

Rest is a crucial factor in business success and it is often overlooked, especially by entrepreneurs. By allowing time to recharge both mentally and physically, rest becomes a powerful tool for business owners. 

Take a look at the video or read the summary below to learn 4 Ways REST Can Help Your Business

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2 key things to consider when marketing your business!

This week I share a throwback Marketing Monday FB Live video from 2020 where I share all about PLANNING your marketing and the two things to consider when planning your marketing.  Watch the video or read the summary to learn more.

Do you have a Marketing PLAN for your business?

Two Things To Consider When Planning Your Marketing:

  1. Have a Written Marketing Plan – you have to be strategic getting out of your head and write your plan down. Do you want to do blogs, or training videos, events, etc.? Be intentional about doing things that resonate with you. Minimize doing things that you only ‘think’ you have to do. Avoid RAM – RAM is Random Acts of Marketing! We no longer want to participate in RAM.
  2. Be Spirit-Led – begin to ask the question of what God wants you to do in your business. Stop doing what you want to do and check in with your spirit to learn what you should be doing. Be obedient to what your spirit is guiding to do.

Pray about what your strategy needs to be and write it down!

Want to learn how to be more Spirit-led when it comes to marketing your business?  Join me Thursday, April 21st at 2:00 pm ET for the Spirit-led Marketing Workshop!

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Why CoSchedule is The BEST Online Marketing Calendar

If you’ve ever wanted an online tool to help you stay organized and manage your marketing in one place, then you definitely have to check out

I have been using CoSchedule for almost 6 years.  I first found out about it when I was looking for a content calendar to manage my content marketing.  After doing some research, my business coach at the time shared CoSchedule with me and I downloaded their free content marketing template and have been hooked ever since.  

Now, CoSchedule is a part of the daily suite of online tools that I use to run my business.  It was featured in my post last month for 10 of my favorite marketing and management tools for 2020.  

So why is CoSchedule the one of BEST Online Marketing Calendar?  

It helps you to stay organized, and I’m all about being organized.  We can break it down into three categories:  It allows you to see, schedule, and share.  

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10 Favorite Marketing & Management Tools 2020

This year has been a different kind of year for many of us, but despite the craziness of 2020, we still need tools to help us manage the things in our business.  In this post, I share 10 of my favorite marketing and management tools for 2020.  

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3 ways to reflect on your marketing

Last week we talked about rest. Resting is a required part of pausing and helps you to better make decisions, have increased energy, gain clarity, and have more ideas. Be sure to review that blog post to learn more about the 4 ways rest can help your business.

This week I want to take a look at REFLECTION and its impact on your marketing. REFLECTION is the second part of pausing. Take a look at the video or read the summary below to learn 3 ways to reflect on your marketing.

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Do you have a Mid-Year Plan?

We start the new year with BIG plans and then life gets in the way. July (Mid-Year) is a GREAT time to get back on track with your goals, but you have to have a plan! In this post we talk about the importance of planning, writing down your plans, staying consistent and some tools that can help you with your planning.

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3 key areas you should be tracking for your marketing

Last month we talked about how to serve your audience through your marketing and specifically via creating checklists, challenges, and courses. Be sure to check out each of those blogs to learn more. This month our focus is TRACKING; however, this week we will iterate what you should be tracking in your marketing; therefore, our focus word this week is TRACK. You may watch the video and/or read the summary below to learn 3 Key areas that you should be tracking for your marketing.

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3 Ways to Approach Event-based Marketing

Last week, we talked about Email Marketing and what it consists of and what that means for your business. Be sure to check out the recap of that blog, How to use email marketing to engage your audience, to learn more about email marketing. This week we will continue to learn about engaging, however, we will focus on EVENT-BASED MARKETING. You may watch the video and/or read the summary below to learn more.

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Posted by Nadine Mullings  |  Comments Off on 3 Ways to Approach Event-based Marketing  |  in Blog, Business, Business Events, Engaging, Event Marketing, Event-based Marketing, Marketing, Networking, Small Business

Two tools to BUILD your database and GROW your business

We are in the final stretch of this month! Last week, our topic was about building an audience. I shared 5 Ways to Build Your Audience. This week, let’s talk about DATABASE. Watch the video or read the summary to learn about Two tools to Build your database and Grow your business!

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5 Ways to Build an Audience

So glad to have here! This month we have been focusing on building your business and various ways you can do that. Last week our focus area was networking; be sure to take a look at that blog post to learn Two Key Ways to Build Your Network! This week we are turning our focus to AUDIENCE. Watch the video or read the summary to learn 5 Ways to Build Your Audience!

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Posted by Nadine Mullings  |  Comments Off on 5 Ways to Build an Audience  |  in Blog, Build, Business Development, Business Planning, Marketing, Small Business, Social Media, Tools