
4 Ways Rest Helps Your Business


Recently, our world was required to shelter in place. This was a very new experience for most of us and most of us will never see it again. However, the shelter in place caused us to pause our regular activities. We had to learn new ways to live and work. You can review more about this in last my blog – Collective Pause of 2020.

This week I want to take a look at one of the areas that pausing allows us to focus on…REST. REST is the first part of pausing.

Rest is a crucial factor in business success and it is often overlooked, especially by entrepreneurs. By allowing time to recharge both mentally and physically, rest becomes a powerful tool for business owners. 

Take a look at the video or read the summary below to learn 4 Ways REST Can Help Your Business

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Who are you becoming?

It has been found that 80% of our success is attributed to our mindset. Our thoughts are the root of our actions. Therefore, while we explore mindset let the focus be on your thinking. Currently, I am reading High Performing Habits by Brendon Burchard. 

One of the tips he offers is about envisioning the future. He explains how we need to be intentional about who you want to become. We need to have a vision beyond our current circumstances. Take a look at the video or read the summary below to learn how to answer the question of who you are becoming.

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Reach more people by amplifying your voice!

One of the key ways to reach more people in the Marketplace so that they can learn more about you and the services that you offer is to amplify your message.  When I looked up
the definition of “Amplify” on dictionary.com, it is defined as to make larger,
greater or stronger; enlarge; extend. 

When I saw the word “enlarge” in the definition, it reminded me of the popular prayer of Jabez in I Chronicles [4:10]:

Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, ‘Oh that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and You would keep me from evil, that I might not cause pain! ‘ So God granted him what he requested.

Jabez requested several things:

·       Bless me
·       Enlarge my territory
·       Be with me
·       Keep me from evil

And guess what, God answered his prayer! So I want to encourage you today, to pray a
similar prayer, don’t feel shy to ask God to:

·       Bless your business
·       Enlarge your business
·       Partner with you in business
·       Keep bad things from happening to your business

Prayer is powerful and is an advantage that we have as believers in business, so consistently pray for your business. 

Partnering with God is one of the best ways to grow your business.  God is a God of order, a God of detail, and as your partner in business He will give you specific instructions. He will instruct you on what you need to be doing in the marketplace to make an impact, create an
influence, and have an income from the work that you do. 

One of the things that God instructs us to do is to write things down, “write the vision make it plain.” Writing down God’s instructions for marketing your business can be one of the BEST things you can do for your business. 

In fact, in the upcoming Marketplace Messenger Masterclass you will discover the two things you can create in order to write down and move forward with marketing and promoting your business, so be sure to join me on Wednesday, March 23rd
at 2:00 pm ET
in the Marketplace Messenger Masterclass to learn more! 

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Why CoSchedule is The BEST Online Marketing Calendar

If you’ve ever wanted an online tool to help you stay organized and manage your marketing in one place, then you definitely have to check out CoSchedule.com.

I have been using CoSchedule for almost 6 years.  I first found out about it when I was looking for a content calendar to manage my content marketing.  After doing some research, my business coach at the time shared CoSchedule with me and I downloaded their free content marketing template and have been hooked ever since.  

Now, CoSchedule is a part of the daily suite of online tools that I use to run my business.  It was featured in my post last month for 10 of my favorite marketing and management tools for 2020.  

So why is CoSchedule the one of BEST Online Marketing Calendar?  

It helps you to stay organized, and I’m all about being organized.  We can break it down into three categories:  It allows you to see, schedule, and share.  

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3 things to commit to succeed in marketing

Previously, we learned 3 areas where you must exercise consistency when marketing your business successfully so that you get the results you want. Click the link to learn how consistency can be the key to your marketing success. We have already discussed confidence and consistency.

This week let’s talk about COMMITMENT! This will be our focus word for the week. I want to share 3 things that you need to be committed to be successful in marketing. Take a look at the video or read the summary below to learn more.

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You were born to do the hard things!

During the month of May, we talked about the Collective Pause of 2020 and what that looked like in your business and personal life. We are living in different times than most of us have ever experienced and it has caused us to pause. Pausing has 3 parts – Rest, Reflect and Reset. Each week we focused on one part of pausing. The first was Rest and we learned 4 ways rest can help your business. In the second week, we talked about reflection and 3 ways to reflect on your marketing. Last week, we focused on how to reset your business during the pandemic. I shared activities to help guide you in both your business and life; be sure to go back to each of last month’s blog posts to prepare you to move forward.

Not only did I share the activities with you, but I also participated in the activities for my business and life as well! As a result of that, I was led to change Marketing Mondays to Mindset Mondays.

The month of May felt a little exhausting for me and many others. There seemed to be an overwhelming feeling from the COVID-19 crisis and to end the month on such a sad note of another racially inspired killing. I’m excited about a new month, a new feeling, and a new beginning in the month of June. Mindset is the first step in anything we do. I want to share different techniques around mindset. Take a look at the video or read the summary below to learn why you were born to do the hard things in life.

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How to reset your business during a pandemic

Last week’s focus was on reflection as it relates to your business. We took a look at 3 ways to reflect on your marketing. Before you can implement those three ways, you must take a moment to reflect. Be sure to check out last week’s blog post to learn a step by step process to reflect.

This week we will discuss the third phase of pausing, RESET. This pandemic has caused all of us to re-evaluate our lives personally and professionally which will require us to RESET. Take a look at the video or read the summary below to understand how to reset in your business during this pandemic.

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The Collective Pause of 2020

Last week we talked about the words unprecedented and unrivaled. We acknowledged that we are living in unprecedented times; however, we have the power of unrivaled support in God. Take a look at the blog post to learn the why unprecedented is no match for unrivaled and how to choose unrivaled over unprecedented.

We spent the month of April talking about the happenings of the world during Marketing Monday. Since COVID-19 we have had to change the way we live on a daily basis. Our world was required to shelter in place which led each of us to pause our regular activity in some form. This week we will learn about the Collective Pause of 2020. Take a look at the video or read the summary below to learn more about the Collective Pause of 2020.

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How to focus on CHRIST instead of the CRISIS!

Worship and worry was our focus last week. I reiterated the power we have in choosing. Be sure to review the blog entry on how to choose worship over worry and let me know your thoughts.

This week our focus is CHRIST OVER CRISIS. It was dropped in my spirit to emphasize the importance of choosing to focus on CHRIST OVER CRISIS. Take a quick moment to pull up Matthew [8:23] before continuing as this will be my reference point for this discussion. Take a look at the video or read the summary below to learn more about how to choose CHRIST OVER CRISIS.

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