Business Planning

3 Ways to be Spirit-Led in Your Business


In the previous blog post, we discussed the importance of tapping into the vision that you have for your business and how that vision can impact the success of your business, and we looked at the vision statement for several well-known companies.  If you missed that post, be sure to check it out ‘What’s the vision you have for your business?’ 

Today, let’s move from vision to action and focus on Holy Spirit-Led Action. Watch this throwback Marketing Monday video below or read the summary to discover 3 ways to take Spirit-Led Action in your business. 


3 Ways to be Spirit-Led in Your Business:


Opportunity – Business owners and entrepreneurs come across opportunities unexpectedly all the time. Many opportunities we experience are not planned and some of them are not for us. When we are presented with an opportunity we have a feeling of being led and sometimes we do not. We must know the difference of being led to an opportunity and being presented with an opportunity. It really is a matter of being active or being passive.

When we are led to an opportunity it is because we are actively seeking it out. This can show up as networking, updating your skillset, staying aware of what you are looking for, taking initiative, having a growth mindset, and/or preparing for the opportunity.

When we are presented to an opportunity it is something that simply happens without effort. This can show up as someone in your network suggests or offers and opportunity, waiting for something to happen, reacting to opportunities only when they are presented, and/or staying in your comfort zone.


Ideas – Ideas come and go by the minute because we see and hear a lot about and from other businesses. Every idea we have is not for us to take action on. However, when an idea is dropped in our spirit, we begin to feel that tug at our hearts. This is a tug that we feel strongly and it seems it will not leave us.

Here are a few ways to know if an idea requires us to take action:

  • intellectual or emotional. You determine this by understanding if it was simply information or if the information caused an emotional reaction to take action. Ideas that are for you will be both intellectual and emotional.
  • external or internal validation. Hearing ideas rely on external input, but knowing an idea is for you requires internal validation and must be in alignment with your values and beliefs.
  • temporary or lasting. We hear a high volume of ideas regularly and these fade away rather quickly. However, ideas that are for us tend to stick with us and influence our thoughts and actions.


Collaborations – We connect with people all the time in person and online. God creates divine connections. Divine connections are appointed times that you are to be with others to deliver and/or receive a specific message. We are here to do the work we are called to do, but it is not necessary for it to be done alone all the time. Pay attention to the collaborations and partnerships that present themselves in your business.

Collaboration has its benefits and drawbacks so it is important to take careful consideration before collaborating.

Collaboration is beneficial when potential collaborators have skills, knowledge, or resources that fill gaps in your business. Relationship building is the foundation of collaboration because it strengthens professional networks and create opportunities for future partnerships. Bringing together different or diverse perspectives and experiences can spark creativity and lead to innovative solutions that wouldn’t be possible working in isolation.

Posted by Nadine Mullings  |  2 Comments  |  in Blog, Business, Business Development, Business Planning, Faith, Marketing

3 things to believe to be successful & fulfilled!

As you may know, I am an avid reader and enjoy what I read. Last week, I shared a few tips from High Performing Habits by Brendon Burchard. One of the tips he offered is about envisioning the future and how we need to be intentional about who we want to become. Be sure to check out that blog that asks the question of who are you becoming?

This week we continue on our journey of mindset because 80% of how we become successful is driven by our mindset. Our focus this week is belief. I want to share 3 key things to believe in to become successful and fulfilled. Take a look at the video or read the summary below to learn more about belief and its impact on your success and fulfillment.

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2 key things to consider when marketing your business!

This week I share a throwback Marketing Monday FB Live video from 2020 where I share all about PLANNING your marketing and the two things to consider when planning your marketing.  Watch the video or read the summary to learn more.

Do you have a Marketing PLAN for your business?

Two Things To Consider When Planning Your Marketing:

  1. Have a Written Marketing Plan – you have to be strategic getting out of your head and write your plan down. Do you want to do blogs, or training videos, events, etc.? Be intentional about doing things that resonate with you. Minimize doing things that you only ‘think’ you have to do. Avoid RAM – RAM is Random Acts of Marketing! We no longer want to participate in RAM.
  2. Be Spirit-Led – begin to ask the question of what God wants you to do in your business. Stop doing what you want to do and check in with your spirit to learn what you should be doing. Be obedient to what your spirit is guiding to do.

Pray about what your strategy needs to be and write it down!

Want to learn how to be more Spirit-led when it comes to marketing your business?  Join me Thursday, April 21st at 2:00 pm ET for the Spirit-led Marketing Workshop!

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Reach more people by amplifying your voice!

One of the key ways to reach more people in the Marketplace so that they can learn more about you and the services that you offer is to amplify your message.  When I looked up
the definition of “Amplify” on, it is defined as to make larger,
greater or stronger; enlarge; extend. 

When I saw the word “enlarge” in the definition, it reminded me of the popular prayer of Jabez in I Chronicles [4:10]:

Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, ‘Oh that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and You would keep me from evil, that I might not cause pain! ‘ So God granted him what he requested.

Jabez requested several things:

·       Bless me
·       Enlarge my territory
·       Be with me
·       Keep me from evil

And guess what, God answered his prayer! So I want to encourage you today, to pray a
similar prayer, don’t feel shy to ask God to:

·       Bless your business
·       Enlarge your business
·       Partner with you in business
·       Keep bad things from happening to your business

Prayer is powerful and is an advantage that we have as believers in business, so consistently pray for your business. 

Partnering with God is one of the best ways to grow your business.  God is a God of order, a God of detail, and as your partner in business He will give you specific instructions. He will instruct you on what you need to be doing in the marketplace to make an impact, create an
influence, and have an income from the work that you do. 

One of the things that God instructs us to do is to write things down, “write the vision make it plain.” Writing down God’s instructions for marketing your business can be one of the BEST things you can do for your business. 

In fact, in the upcoming Marketplace Messenger Masterclass you will discover the two things you can create in order to write down and move forward with marketing and promoting your business, so be sure to join me on Wednesday, March 23rd
at 2:00 pm ET
in the Marketplace Messenger Masterclass to learn more! 

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Your Marketplace Message

This challenge is really about getting clear, consistent, and confident with your marketing so you can easily attract the clients you are called to serve and I’m excited to bring it all together on Day 5.

The first step to a successful result is commitment. Your commitment begins with you, but ultimately it’s a commitment to those you are called to serve. This marketing challenge is different than most because we are not talking about the strategies we are talking more about your marketing foundation.

What is the message that God is giving you to share with the marketplace and how are you showing up when sharing that message? Proverbs [18:21] talks about the tongue having the power of life and death. And those who love it will eat its fruit.

This is basically telling us the power of our message, the power of our voice. It’s so powerful and important in the marketplace because we have the ability to create life and death based on the words that come out of our mouths. Our marketplace message is powerful and how it impacts our clients and the marketplace is just as powerful. We experience the fruit from it when we are clear on what our marketplace message needs to be.

If you’re a woman of faith in business who is a coach, consultant, and/or author and you want to reach more people, share your message, and/or get more clients…then you are invited to schedule a Marketplace Messenger Intensive.

During this time you will:

  • Create your results-driven marketing plan
  • Set your intention for your top 3 purpose-driven business goals
  • Create your marketing foundation
  • Create a Spirit-led marketing strategy
  • Create a marketing calendar and schedule to cover the next 90 days
  • And so much more…

It is time to dive deeper, join me for a Marketplace Messenger Intensive.

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Why knowing who you are called to serve is important for your business

Last week, our focus was Mission and the impact of a mission statement on your business.  This week we shall place our focus on how to determine your IDEAL CLIENT AKA who you’re called to serve in the marketplace.  Watch the video below, or read the post to learn why an ideal client profile is important to your business.

I have found that it is difficult for many business owners and entrepreneurs to determine their ideal client. Most believe it is best to attract any client; however, they do not understand that your message does not resonate to everyone.

Key Points to Consider when Determining your Ideal Client:

  1. DEMOGRAPHICS – The description of your ideal client to this includes age, gender, race, income, etc. This helps to determine how you market to the ideal client.
  2. PSYCHOGRAPHICS – What does your ideal client think? What is their personality type? What does your ideal client like? What are they attracted to? What are their social activities? What are their religious preferences?
  3. PROBLEMS – What problems does your ideal client have? Think about all the problems they have that your product or service resolves.
  4. SOLUTIONS – What is your solution for your ideal client’s problem? Focus on being the problem solver instead of making the sell.

If you take these points into consideration when narrowing down who your ideal client is, you will better market your product or service. Ultimately, you will see an increase in your clients and revenue. 

Want to get clear on your marketing foundation including your purpose, mission and vision statement so you can attract the people you are called to serve in the marketplace?  Be sure to join me for the Attract the Clients Your Called to Serve 5-Day Marketing Challenge from February 21-25, 2022

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What’s the VISION you have for your business?

I love the quote by Helen Keller that says, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no VISION”.  Vision is so important in life and especially in business.  As believers we should be partnering with God to receive a God-given vision for our businesses.  His word says in Proverbs [29:18]-  Where there is no VISION, the people perish; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.     

So let’s focus on what is means to have a God-given vision for our business with the word of the day from this Marketing Monday video from 2020: To help us focus to begin the process of focusing on VISION take a look at the video or read the summary to learn more.

What’s the vision you have for your business?

I give a few examples of business vision statements for popular companies in my marketing planner, THE BEST MARKETING PLANNER. For instance, Google’s vision is to provide access to the world’s information in one click. Nike’s vision statement is to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. Zappos’ vision statement is all about happiness; they want to deliver happiness to customers, employers, and vendors. American Express wants respect because their vision is to work hard every day to make American Express the world’s most respected service brand.

We learn from those vision statement examples that vision statements are more about what they want their product or service to accomplish in the world versus being specific about the service or product itself.

In the Bible, God gave Abraham a vision that he will be the father of many nations.  At the time Abraham and his wife were very old and had no kids, so the God-given vision seemed impossible in the natural, but we serve a God who is super natural. The vision that He gives us supersedes the natural world.  

My company’s vision is to become a trusted resource and support for faith-based women entrepreneurs and business owners who want to increase their impact, influence, and income. I believe in the ripple effect…..if a woman is able to accomplish her vision then you will see it in every part of her life including her family, community, country, and worldwide.

What do you want your product or service to accomplish to make the world a better place?  (Drop your vision statement and/or your comments and thoughts in the comment section)

Want to get clear on your marketing foundation including your purpose, mission and vision statement so you can attract the people you are called to serve in the marketplace?  Be sure to join me for the Attract the Clients Your Called to Serve 5-Day Marketing Challenge from February 21-25, 2022.

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S2-E11- How Having Faith Moves You Forward with Pam Drzewiecki

About This Episode:

Let’s talk about walking in strength and dignity in your business and personal life. You have to surround yourself with like-minded people and have a community of like-minded people to support your strength and dignity walk. These are two qualities necessary to meet success in every part of your life and to build your faith. Pam Drzewiecki shares how this is the guiding scripture in her life.

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Why CoSchedule is The BEST Online Marketing Calendar

If you’ve ever wanted an online tool to help you stay organized and manage your marketing in one place, then you definitely have to check out

I have been using CoSchedule for almost 6 years.  I first found out about it when I was looking for a content calendar to manage my content marketing.  After doing some research, my business coach at the time shared CoSchedule with me and I downloaded their free content marketing template and have been hooked ever since.  

Now, CoSchedule is a part of the daily suite of online tools that I use to run my business.  It was featured in my post last month for 10 of my favorite marketing and management tools for 2020.  

So why is CoSchedule the one of BEST Online Marketing Calendar?  

It helps you to stay organized, and I’m all about being organized.  We can break it down into three categories:  It allows you to see, schedule, and share.  

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4 Faith-based Success Habits to Start Your Day in 2021

4 Faith-Based Success Habits

The start of a New Year is always a good time to start new daily habits to help you reach your goals.  In fact, the things that we do daily are things that make a difference in reaching our goals.  So if you have BIG goals, dreams, desires this year, the things you do daily will either ensure your success or detract you from your success.

I’ve highlighted some key faith-based daily habits that can contribute to your success in 2021.

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