In the previous blog post, we discussed the importance of tapping into the vision that you have for your business and how that vision can impact the success of your business, and we looked at the vision statement for several well-known companies. If you missed that post, be sure to check it out ‘What’s the vision you have for your business?’
Today, let’s move from vision to action and focus on Holy Spirit-Led Action. Watch this throwback Marketing Monday video below or read the summary to discover 3 ways to take Spirit-Led Action in your business.
3 Ways to be Spirit-Led in Your Business:

Opportunity – Business owners and entrepreneurs come across opportunities unexpectedly all the time. Many opportunities we experience are not planned and some of them are not for us. When we are presented with an opportunity we have a feeling of being led and sometimes we do not. We must know the difference of being led to an opportunity and being presented with an opportunity. It really is a matter of being active or being passive.
When we are led to an opportunity it is because we are actively seeking it out. This can show up as networking, updating your skillset, staying aware of what you are looking for, taking initiative, having a growth mindset, and/or preparing for the opportunity.
When we are presented to an opportunity it is something that simply happens without effort. This can show up as someone in your network suggests or offers and opportunity, waiting for something to happen, reacting to opportunities only when they are presented, and/or staying in your comfort zone.

Ideas – Ideas come and go by the minute because we see and hear a lot about and from other businesses. Every idea we have is not for us to take action on. However, when an idea is dropped in our spirit, we begin to feel that tug at our hearts. This is a tug that we feel strongly and it seems it will not leave us.
Here are a few ways to know if an idea requires us to take action:
- intellectual or emotional. You determine this by understanding if it was simply information or if the information caused an emotional reaction to take action. Ideas that are for you will be both intellectual and emotional.
- external or internal validation. Hearing ideas rely on external input, but knowing an idea is for you requires internal validation and must be in alignment with your values and beliefs.
- temporary or lasting. We hear a high volume of ideas regularly and these fade away rather quickly. However, ideas that are for us tend to stick with us and influence our thoughts and actions.

Collaborations – We connect with people all the time in person and online. God creates divine connections. Divine connections are appointed times that you are to be with others to deliver and/or receive a specific message. We are here to do the work we are called to do, but it is not necessary for it to be done alone all the time. Pay attention to the collaborations and partnerships that present themselves in your business.
Collaboration has its benefits and drawbacks so it is important to take careful consideration before collaborating.
Collaboration is beneficial when potential collaborators have skills, knowledge, or resources that fill gaps in your business. Relationship building is the foundation of collaboration because it strengthens professional networks and create opportunities for future partnerships. Bringing together different or diverse perspectives and experiences can spark creativity and lead to innovative solutions that wouldn’t be possible working in isolation.