
5 Key Points to Simply Believe!


Last week we discussed CLARITY and how it equips you to effectively market your brand. Check out the blog to learn 3 areas you should be clear on when it comes to marketing your business.

This week I’m shaking things up a bit because I wanted to share with you a special message – my FAITH FRIDAY message. It works the same as Marketing Monday in that I choose a focus word related to faith in business. This week the word is BELIEVE. Watch the video and/or read the summary below to learn 5 key points about simply believing!


5 Key Points to Simply Believing

Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. (Matt. 18:4 ESV)

In Matthew 18:4, Jesus emphasizes that true greatness in the kingdom of heaven does not come from status or achievements but from humility. By comparing those who are humble to a child, He highlights that simplicity and a genuine, unpretentious attitude are key to serving God. This scripture suggests that serving God should be straightforward and sincere, focusing on a humble heart instead of being important or successful. In addition, we are more apt to hearing God’s instructions and in position to be obedient.

I share the 5 points to believing below.

1. Serving God Should Not Be Complicated

Anything that you are doing in your business or personal life that is causing complication needs to have God brought in to clear it up. Chaos and confusion is not of God and does not serve God.

2. Be Like a Child

Simply enjoy yourself as children do. What are you doing to enjoy yourself? Be carefree and understand that God is in control. Believe what you are told in God’s word; God tells you what is promised so believe it.

3. Believing Simplifies Life

God takes care of our circumstances. when you believe that God has your back, believe things will work out, believe His Word. Believing releases joy and frees us to enjoy our lives.

4. Diligently Do What God Says

Do what He says in His word and what He speaks to our hearts. We hear what God says when we are reading His word and when He touches our hearts.

5. Put All Your Trust in God and Be Obedient

We have to exercise our trust in God by giving our circumstances and situations to Him to handle and then simply BELIEVE it is taken care of. Being obedient is simply doing what He instructs and believing it will be done.
Posted by Nadine Mullings  |  1 Comment  |  in Blog, Business, Faith, Purpose, Serve

3 Ways to be Spirit-Led in Your Business


In the previous blog post, we discussed the importance of tapping into the vision that you have for your business and how that vision can impact the success of your business, and we looked at the vision statement for several well-known companies.  If you missed that post, be sure to check it out ‘What’s the vision you have for your business?’ 

Today, let’s move from vision to action and focus on Holy Spirit-Led Action. Watch this throwback Marketing Monday video below or read the summary to discover 3 ways to take Spirit-Led Action in your business. 


3 Ways to be Spirit-Led in Your Business:


Opportunity – Business owners and entrepreneurs come across opportunities unexpectedly all the time. Many opportunities we experience are not planned and some of them are not for us. When we are presented with an opportunity we have a feeling of being led and sometimes we do not. We must know the difference of being led to an opportunity and being presented with an opportunity. It really is a matter of being active or being passive.

When we are led to an opportunity it is because we are actively seeking it out. This can show up as networking, updating your skillset, staying aware of what you are looking for, taking initiative, having a growth mindset, and/or preparing for the opportunity.

When we are presented to an opportunity it is something that simply happens without effort. This can show up as someone in your network suggests or offers and opportunity, waiting for something to happen, reacting to opportunities only when they are presented, and/or staying in your comfort zone.


Ideas – Ideas come and go by the minute because we see and hear a lot about and from other businesses. Every idea we have is not for us to take action on. However, when an idea is dropped in our spirit, we begin to feel that tug at our hearts. This is a tug that we feel strongly and it seems it will not leave us.

Here are a few ways to know if an idea requires us to take action:

  • intellectual or emotional. You determine this by understanding if it was simply information or if the information caused an emotional reaction to take action. Ideas that are for you will be both intellectual and emotional.
  • external or internal validation. Hearing ideas rely on external input, but knowing an idea is for you requires internal validation and must be in alignment with your values and beliefs.
  • temporary or lasting. We hear a high volume of ideas regularly and these fade away rather quickly. However, ideas that are for us tend to stick with us and influence our thoughts and actions.


Collaborations – We connect with people all the time in person and online. God creates divine connections. Divine connections are appointed times that you are to be with others to deliver and/or receive a specific message. We are here to do the work we are called to do, but it is not necessary for it to be done alone all the time. Pay attention to the collaborations and partnerships that present themselves in your business.

Collaboration has its benefits and drawbacks so it is important to take careful consideration before collaborating.

Collaboration is beneficial when potential collaborators have skills, knowledge, or resources that fill gaps in your business. Relationship building is the foundation of collaboration because it strengthens professional networks and create opportunities for future partnerships. Bringing together different or diverse perspectives and experiences can spark creativity and lead to innovative solutions that wouldn’t be possible working in isolation.

Posted by Nadine Mullings  |  2 Comments  |  in Blog, Business, Business Development, Business Planning, Faith, Marketing

New Place + New Pace = New Perspective

Have you ever felt stuck in a rut, going through the motions of your daily routine without really engaging with the world around you? Sometimes, all it takes to shake things up is a change of scenery and a shift in your usual rhythm. In this post, I share how simply shaking up your daily routine can lead you to discover how “New Place + New Pace” could equal the new perspective you’ve been looking for.

Watch or read this vlog to discover how a NEW PLACE + NEW PACE = NEW PERSCPECTIVE:

Watch this VLOG:  

Read this BLOG:   

Discover how a new PLACE + a new PACE = a new PERSPECTIVE


Here are two ways to change your PLACE:  

  1. CHANGE YOUR WORK LOCATION-  Changing up the location of where you work can help you to be more productive. If you work from home, try working at a co-working space or a coffee shop. Sometimes being around other people and in a different atmosphere can help you to gain a new perspective or it can change how you feel and how you think, which can be helpful for your business.
  2. CHANGE WHERE YOU GO TO TAKE A BREAK-  Try going to another city in you area to experience different shops, restaurants and experiences locally. Visit a different state to experience different food and culture, or even better, travel to different countries to experience food, culture, and sites in a new country. Doing these things can help you to gain a new perspective.


  • Slowing down your pace in order to reflect, think, pause can help you to be more innovative, spark new ideas, and offer new insight.
  • Speed up your pace when you have big launches or events in your business. That increased pace will make a difference.


When you change your physical location and you change your pace it naturally creates a NEW perspective and helps you to be renewed, refreshed, and revived.

In-person retreats are a GREAT way to change place and pace and to learn and grow in life and in business. Retreats can be some of the most transformative experiences.

You’re invited to join Ladies Power Lunch for the Live Your Optimal Life Retreat

October 24 – October 27, 2024

Celebrity Cruise to the Bahamas 
Leaving from Fort Lauderdale, FL

The retreat will offer you a chance to change your place, pace and perspective as you discover how to embody and transform into the best version of YOU by:

– Removing limiting beliefs and stumbling blocks
– Revitalizing your energy, abundance and joy
– Breaking free of judgement and other’s opinions

…And gaining:

1. Fulfillment
2. Inner Peace
3. Greater Self Love
4. Confidence
5. Ability to Let Go

Go to Live Your Optimal Life Retreat Cruise to learn more

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This week on the VLOG I share the difference between input and insight and how both are needed and necessary for life and business. However, we look at how insight is more powerful.

Discover how intuition, instincts, and inspiration can be powerful to guide you in business and as a believer in business the gifting and relevance of the Holy Spirit and being led by the Holy Spirit in business.

INPUT- something that is put in
For the sake of this conversation INPUT is outward sources (coaches, experts, books, etc.) information that we receive from outside sources. This can be super helpful in life and business.

You can get input from:

  • Coaches & Counselors can help to shift you to the next level through guidance, instructions, directions. Therapists process pain while coaches guided you in various areas. Both are needed and necessary.
  • Computer- AI you put input and the computer gives you awesome output

INSIGHT – the power or act of seeing into a situation
For the sake of this conversation INSIGHT is your inward sources (intuition, inspiration, imagination, Holy Spirit). Information that we are given that comes from inside. This can be the most powerful guidance and includes: Intuition- Direct perception of TRUTH

  • Instinct- Innate impulse, tendency to ACT
  • As believers we are gifted with the Holy Spirit there to guide, instruct, and direct us (John [14:26])

INSIGHT is more powerful than INPUT. Get input but lean on insight.


Activate Your Faith Mastermind:
Learn more about being Spirit-led in business join the Activate Your Faith Mastermind link below to sign-up for an interest call:

Grow Your Business From Within Summit (August 27-29, 2024)

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Counseling + Coaching

Discover two things that can help you to uplevel in life and in business.

1. Counseling– professional guidance in resolving personal conflicts and emotional problems usually associated with your childhood, environment, culture, society, etc.)

Counseling helps you to process:

  • Trauma- Child abuse, domestic violence, etc.
  • trauma- rejection, disappointment, discouragement, etc.
  • DNA trauma- trauma that is actually ingrained in your DNA

2. Coach– a person who trains and athlete, a private tutor who prepares students, or a person who instructs actors or singers.

Through coaching you are being trained, prepared, or instructed to help you improve in a certain area of your life.

Some areas I have sought coaching for include:

  • Life coach
  • Business coach
  • Health coach
  • Relationship coach

Watch this VLOG:  

Do you see how both counseling and coaching are needed to level up in life and in business?

If you’re looking to uplevel in business a great way to do that is in a coaching environment such as a mastermind.

Activate Your Faith Mastermind Interest Call-

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God’s Plan > Your Plan

Discover why God’s plan is always greater than any plan you create on your own! During this VLOG, I take a look at the anchor scripture verse Jeremiah 29: 11, “For I know the plans I have for you, “declares the Lord, “plans to PROSPER you and not to harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a FUTURE.

Watch this VLOG:  

Key parts of this scripture verse:

  1. I know the plans I have for you- God knows that PLAN, not you, not me, not anyone one else, God has the full plan for your life and business
  2. Declares the Lord- This is the Lord’s proclamation, declaration for YOU
  3. There are 3 parts to the declaration:
  • PROSPER you- Prosper is defined as to be SUCCCESSFUL or fortunate, thrive, flourish
  • Give you HOPE- Hope is defined as the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that event will turn out for the BEST
  • A FUTURE- Future is defined as a time that will BE or come after the present, a condition to come

    4.  This tells us:

  • God has a good plan!
  • Nothing we plan without God can be as good as His plan for us
  • We have to trust in God’s plan

Increase your TRUST in God’s plan, join the Activate Your Faith Mastermind before the doors close. Use the button below to Schedule an Activate Your Faith Mastermind Interest Call

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S8-E14- 8 Key Lessons from Season 8 of the Women Faith + Business Podcast

Publishing a book is no easy task! Publishing a collaborative book with multiple authors is even harder, but when you have a God-given message to share and you want to magnify the message with a book that showcases several authors, you rise to the occasion.

And that’s exactly what the women who were featured on Season 8 of the Women Faith + Business Podcast did. This season we focused on the inspiring stories of powerful women in faith in business who have authored purpose-driven collaborative books.

This week on the podcast, I am recapping key lesson learned from season 8 of the Women Faith + Business Podcast where I chatted with the visionary/lead authors of a collaborative book and a panel of their co-authors.

Watch this episode:

On this episode you will hear:

  • A recap of Season 8
  • The difference between Season 8 and the last 7 seasons including:
    o Panel Discussions
    o Podcast Video
    o Focus on Authors
    o Focus on Collaborative Books
  • The 8 Key lessons from Season 8 of the podcast including:

  1. BE the voice God called you to BE
  2. We ALL have a story to TELL
  3. You’re an OVERCOMER
  4. How WRITING is therapeutic
  5. The importance of having FAITH
  6. Your anointing and assignment are AGELESS
  7. Follow your JOY
  8. Use your RESOURCES and TOOLS

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S8-E13- Women Of Wisdom

If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to your 20-year-old self? What have been some key lessons that you learned that you would want to share with your younger version?

On this episode of Women Faith + Business Podcast, we hear that advice the women in the “Women of Wisdom: Honoring their Grace, Strength and Beauty” shared with their 20-year old selves.

We hear from the lead visionary author and photographer of this portrait book, Donna Edman, and co-authors, Carla Jones, Sandra Hill, and Roya Saberzadeh as they share their advice about what they would tell their 20-year-old self and insights you can learn from their stories!

Watch this episode:

On this episode you will hear:

  • How the book began as an art project
  • The vision for the book
  • Don’t let the “HOW” stop you, simply “START” and the how will appear
  • The importance of asking for help
  • Creating a platform to honor women over fifty and to give them a voice
  • How many times women have a voice when they are famous or when they are young a pretty, but can be unseen and unheard if they are not famous or young and pretty
  • How your story is worth sharing
  • The importance of embracing who you are
  • The importance of trusting yourself, your instincts, the choices that you make, and the people who come your way
  • Trust your gut and pray for the courage to follow your instincts
  • Have faith in yourself and your dreams
  • Date lots of people and enjoy many friendships to learn what you value
  • Just start, it doesn’t have to be perfect
  • We learn from our mistakes
  • The importance of understanding your passion and going for it
  • As you get older there is less emphasis on how you LOOK and more emphasis on the LEGACY you leave to other
  • Embrace your uniqueness


In this powerful collection of stories and portraits, you’ll hear wisdom from women ages 50-95 who share hard-won lessons about courage, grace, and strength.

No matter your age, you will appreciate the advice these 49 women have given to their 20-year-old selves. The portraits are not retouched. These women want to be seen as they truly are. Every wrinkle, age spot, gnarled knuckle and pound has been earned. They are beautiful.

There is no need to travel life’s road alone. Let these wise women be your guide.


Donna is an award-winning portrait photographer with a passion to honor people. Her ability to engage with clients helps them feel comfortable and the results are portraits which capture their authentic selves.

When Donna is not with clients, she is teaching photography to adults and children. She thinks anyone can learn to develop their “creative eye.” She encourages her students to believe there are things that would be not seen if you didn’t photograph them.

Donna and her high-school sweetheart husband live in Fullerton, California. They have two adult children, two adorable grandchildren and two goofy dachshunds.

When Donna is not with her clients and students, she’s creating images of architecture, nature and anything else she thinks is beautiful. When she is not creating photos, she’s playing with her family, cycling and creating ceramic art pieces. Occasionally she sits still long enough to watch art films and read.


Social Media:
FB Personal:
FB General Business:
FB Commercial:







Google- Roya Saberzadeh

Social Media- @realtorroya




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S8-E12- Poised And Profitable

If you’re an entrepreneur or business owner, do you have the necessary support to GROW your business? Are you GROWING your business without sacrificing the other areas of your life (faith, friends, family, etc.)?

On this episode of Women Faith + Business Podcast, you are invited to hear from the lead/visionary author of the powerful book, Poised & Profitable: Power Plays for the Purpose Driven Woman in Business, Dr. Ranelli Williams, and co-authors, Donna Hicks-Izzard, Allison Denise Arnett, Toni Moore, and Charlene Niles as they share their insights on growing a profitable business without sacrificing the other areas of your life!

Watch this episode:

On this episode you will hear:

  • The vision for the book, Poised & Profitable
  • That God can’t bless mess
  • The importance of having a business sister
  • That business is a game and you have to know the game that you are playing
  • To appreciate and operate by the rules of the game of business
  • The importance of protecting your assets
  • What to do when you struggle with brand identity
  • The importance of knowing who you are targeting
  • The two simple principles of a successful business
  • The importance of hiring based on vision and value
  • Have you stopped to evaluate the financial health of your business?
  • Are you focusing on profits and cashflow in your business?
  • The importance of creating a budget
  • Profit is not an event, it’s a habit
  • And more…


With the right mindset and overall strategy, you can have it all as you pursue your dreams and build your empire without sacrificing what’s most important to you. This compilation by Dr. Ranelli A. Williams and 19 other experts in their respective fields provides a well-rounded outlook and guide for today’s purpose-driven woman in business. This master plan contains strategies on mindset and mental health, physical health and wellness, business and finances, style and beauty, team building and collaboration, God and human relationships, and so much more. The most vital areas of your life and business are addressed to serve as your blueprint for success. It’s your time to be poised and profitable.

Poised & Profitable: Power Plays for the Purpose Driven Woman in Business-


Dr. Ranelli A. Williams is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), profit strategist, and money breakthrough business coach. In addition, she is a best-selling author, award-nominated speaker and co-founder with her husband, Eric of ERJ Services, a tax, accounting, and advisory business.

In addition to their tax practice where they work with individuals and business to help them remain compliant while positioning them to save thousands on their taxes, they help service-based businesses with bookkeeping and strategic advisory services that help them increase cashflow and profits and feel more in control of their finances.


Social Media:


Charlene Niles

Toni Moore
social- @thelegaldeeva

Allison Denise Arnett
IG, Tik Tok, FB- @imallisondenise

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S8-E11- Telling Our Stories

How do you overcome the trials in your life and not only turn it into a triumph, but also make it your testimony that you share and it helps others to overcome?

That’s exactly what the women in Telling Our Stories did, they shared how they overcame shocking adversities and walked away with personal triumphs.

On this episode of Women Faith + Business Podcast, you are invited to hear the true stories of real women and their life experiences.

Hear from the lead/visionary author of the powerful book, Telling Our Stories, Phyllis Jenkins, and co-authors, Mrs. Ada Robinson, Angelia Hayes, Chasity Lewis-McMillian, as they share their stories!

On this episode you will hear:

  • The vision for the book, Telling Our Stories
  • That we all have a story to tell
  • About the power of a collection of stories
  • Not to take your story to your grave 
  • How your story becomes a lifeline to help someone else
  • How writing is therapeutic
  • How your family impacts your life
  • How your experiences in life prepare you and teach you
  • The importance of listening to the God in you
  • The importance of finding hope in your situation
  • Trusting God
  • The importance of being still
  • That you don’t have to comprise who you are to keep something
  • How God turns things around for your good
  • To place your expectations in God
  • That you have purpose and nothing happens by accident
  • The importance of discovering your God-assignment


This book is as riveting as any thriller and hard to put down. Yet, make no mistake, these are true stories of real women and their life experiences. They are overcoming shocking adversities but walking away with personal triumphs. These courageous women have indeed become champions of their stories. May their bravery ignite the fire of your own testimony because your story matters.


Telling Our Stories: An Anthology of Faith Volume I-

Telling Our Stories, Volume II: An Anthology of Faith-


Phyllis Jenkins is a multi-talented woman passionate about helping women share their powerful stories with the world. She’s on a mission to empower 100,000 to tell their stories.

She is an author, book coach, blogger, international speaker, podcast host, and Powerful Journey founder. For years, she has been committed to providing a platform where every woman’s story can be heard. She understands the challenges that come with telling your story, writing and publishing a book, and is dedicated to providing the necessary support and resources to help women succeed.

She is also the host of an inspiring podcast where she interviews women who are courageously telling their stories and have written their books. She is a wife, mother, and grandmother. Her ultimate goal is to empower women to write their own books, build profitable brands, and turn their visions into realities.


Social Media:


Phone- (269) 781-3010

FB, LI, IG- @AngeliaHayes

FB, LI, IG- @chasitymcmillian
Amazon Author Page- Chasity McMillian

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