
4 Ways Rest Helps Your Business


Recently, our world was required to shelter in place. This was a very new experience for most of us and most of us will never see it again. However, the shelter in place caused us to pause our regular activities. We had to learn new ways to live and work. You can review more about this in last my blog – Collective Pause of 2020.

This week I want to take a look at one of the areas that pausing allows us to focus on…REST. REST is the first part of pausing.

Rest is a crucial factor in business success and it is often overlooked, especially by entrepreneurs. By allowing time to recharge both mentally and physically, rest becomes a powerful tool for business owners. 

Take a look at the video or read the summary below to learn 4 Ways REST Can Help Your Business

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5 Key Points to Simply Believe!


Last week we discussed CLARITY and how it equips you to effectively market your brand. Check out the blog to learn 3 areas you should be clear on when it comes to marketing your business.

This week I’m shaking things up a bit because I wanted to share with you a special message – my FAITH FRIDAY message. It works the same as Marketing Monday in that I choose a focus word related to faith in business. This week the word is BELIEVE. Watch the video and/or read the summary below to learn 5 key points about simply believing!


5 Key Points to Simply Believing

Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. (Matt. 18:4 ESV)

In Matthew 18:4, Jesus emphasizes that true greatness in the kingdom of heaven does not come from status or achievements but from humility. By comparing those who are humble to a child, He highlights that simplicity and a genuine, unpretentious attitude are key to serving God. This scripture suggests that serving God should be straightforward and sincere, focusing on a humble heart instead of being important or successful. In addition, we are more apt to hearing God’s instructions and in position to be obedient.

I share the 5 points to believing below.

1. Serving God Should Not Be Complicated

Anything that you are doing in your business or personal life that is causing complication needs to have God brought in to clear it up. Chaos and confusion is not of God and does not serve God.

2. Be Like a Child

Simply enjoy yourself as children do. What are you doing to enjoy yourself? Be carefree and understand that God is in control. Believe what you are told in God’s word; God tells you what is promised so believe it.

3. Believing Simplifies Life

God takes care of our circumstances. when you believe that God has your back, believe things will work out, believe His Word. Believing releases joy and frees us to enjoy our lives.

4. Diligently Do What God Says

Do what He says in His word and what He speaks to our hearts. We hear what God says when we are reading His word and when He touches our hearts.

5. Put All Your Trust in God and Be Obedient

We have to exercise our trust in God by giving our circumstances and situations to Him to handle and then simply BELIEVE it is taken care of. Being obedient is simply doing what He instructs and believing it will be done.
Posted by Nadine Mullings  |  1 Comment  |  in Blog, Business, Faith, Purpose, Serve

How to Have a God-focused Mindset in Business

REPOST FROM 6/30/2020

Last week we talked about how our beliefs impact our mindset. Keep in mind that our success is driven by our mindset. In that post, I shared 3 key things you need to believe in to be successful and fulfilled. This week as we talk about mindset, I want to focus on how to have a God-focused mindset as a business owner. Take a look at the video or read the summary below to learn more about putting God at the forefront of your business.

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3 things to believe to be successful & fulfilled!

As you may know, I am an avid reader and enjoy what I read. Last week, I shared a few tips from High Performing Habits by Brendon Burchard. One of the tips he offered is about envisioning the future and how we need to be intentional about who we want to become. Be sure to check out that blog that asks the question of who are you becoming?

This week we continue on our journey of mindset because 80% of how we become successful is driven by our mindset. Our focus this week is belief. I want to share 3 key things to believe in to become successful and fulfilled. Take a look at the video or read the summary below to learn more about belief and its impact on your success and fulfillment.

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Who are you becoming?

It has been found that 80% of our success is attributed to our mindset. Our thoughts are the root of our actions. Therefore, while we explore mindset let the focus be on your thinking. Currently, I am reading High Performing Habits by Brendon Burchard. 

One of the tips he offers is about envisioning the future. He explains how we need to be intentional about who you want to become. We need to have a vision beyond our current circumstances. Take a look at the video or read the summary below to learn how to answer the question of who you are becoming.

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Top 7 Blessing Blockers for Women of Faith in Business

For the last couple of months, I have been reading the devotional journal 100 Days of Believing Bigger.  The devotional lays out 10 key areas that will help you to believe bigger.  

One of the sections that stood out for me in the devotional was the Blessing Blockers, the things that we tend to do that block our blessings.  The devotional lists 10 blessing blockers.  However, for this post, I will be sharing 7 blessing blockers that I feel impact women of faith in business the most:

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2 key things to consider when marketing your business!

This week I share a throwback Marketing Monday FB Live video from 2020 where I share all about PLANNING your marketing and the two things to consider when planning your marketing.  Watch the video or read the summary to learn more.

Do you have a Marketing PLAN for your business?

Two Things To Consider When Planning Your Marketing:

  1. Have a Written Marketing Plan – you have to be strategic getting out of your head and write your plan down. Do you want to do blogs, or training videos, events, etc.? Be intentional about doing things that resonate with you. Minimize doing things that you only ‘think’ you have to do. Avoid RAM – RAM is Random Acts of Marketing! We no longer want to participate in RAM.
  2. Be Spirit-Led – begin to ask the question of what God wants you to do in your business. Stop doing what you want to do and check in with your spirit to learn what you should be doing. Be obedient to what your spirit is guiding to do.

Pray about what your strategy needs to be and write it down!

Want to learn how to be more Spirit-led when it comes to marketing your business?  Join me Thursday, April 21st at 2:00 pm ET for the Spirit-led Marketing Workshop!

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Your Marketplace Message

This challenge is really about getting clear, consistent, and confident with your marketing so you can easily attract the clients you are called to serve and I’m excited to bring it all together on Day 5.

The first step to a successful result is commitment. Your commitment begins with you, but ultimately it’s a commitment to those you are called to serve. This marketing challenge is different than most because we are not talking about the strategies we are talking more about your marketing foundation.

What is the message that God is giving you to share with the marketplace and how are you showing up when sharing that message? Proverbs [18:21] talks about the tongue having the power of life and death. And those who love it will eat its fruit.

This is basically telling us the power of our message, the power of our voice. It’s so powerful and important in the marketplace because we have the ability to create life and death based on the words that come out of our mouths. Our marketplace message is powerful and how it impacts our clients and the marketplace is just as powerful. We experience the fruit from it when we are clear on what our marketplace message needs to be.

If you’re a woman of faith in business who is a coach, consultant, and/or author and you want to reach more people, share your message, and/or get more clients…then you are invited to schedule a Marketplace Messenger Intensive.

During this time you will:

  • Create your results-driven marketing plan
  • Set your intention for your top 3 purpose-driven business goals
  • Create your marketing foundation
  • Create a Spirit-led marketing strategy
  • Create a marketing calendar and schedule to cover the next 90 days
  • And so much more…

It is time to dive deeper, join me for a Marketplace Messenger Intensive.

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Why tapping into your PURPOSE can elevate your business

Did you know that when you are clear on your WHY it can elevate your business? Today’s post is all about how tapping into the PURPOSE of your business can elevate your business. Watch the video below, or read the post to learn the benefits of purpose in your business.

Your business purpose is the specific business intent for which your company has been founded. Your business purpose statement states your business purpose in one or two sentences.

Clarity offers what you do in your business and why your company does what it does. Focus helps to guide your decisions in business as to what falls under your business purpose. Your business purpose gives your business and actions meaning.

Here is a quick exercise to help you form your business purpose statement:

My business was founded to ___________________________________.

Complete that statement in one or two sentences and you will be on your way to establishing your business purpose.

Want to get clear on your marketing foundation including your purpose, mission and vision statement so you can attract the people you are called to serve in the marketplace?  Be sure to join me for the Attract the Clients Your Called to Serve 5-Day Marketing Challenge from February 21-25, 2022.

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S2-E11- How Having Faith Moves You Forward with Pam Drzewiecki

About This Episode:

Let’s talk about walking in strength and dignity in your business and personal life. You have to surround yourself with like-minded people and have a community of like-minded people to support your strength and dignity walk. These are two qualities necessary to meet success in every part of your life and to build your faith. Pam Drzewiecki shares how this is the guiding scripture in her life.

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