
Self-Care v. Soul-Care



Self-care tends to be a popular topic.  Especially for women who tend to wear many hats including, wives, mothers, business owners, employees, sisters, friends, care taker, ministry leader, etc. 

I definitely believe it’s important to make self-care a priority as the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup. If you are pouring from your cup (your needs) instead of your saucer (your overflow), you will always be thirsty (drained). So putting yourself first and taking care of yourself is important to not just your own well-being but for the people who are close to you. 

However, there is a difference between self-care and soul-care, and it’s important for us to make sure that we are taking care of our soul. What does it look like to take care of your soul on a consistent basis? I share the difference between self-care and soul-care and how to make sure you are taking care of your soul. 

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Busy Work v. Life’s Work

ORIGINAL POST:  6/8/2021


Did you know that your time is one of your most valuable assets?  In my last blog post I shared about the difference between Chronos time and Kairos time, be sure to check out the post if you missed it. 

This post is specifically talking about the time that we spend working.  Did you know that during our lifetime we will spend a large percentage of our time working on our jobs?  In fact, it is estimated that the average person will spend 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime.

So considering this, it would make sense that we choose a job or career that we find enjoyable and impactful.  However, many people work in jobs or even careers that they don’t enjoy for months or even years! Are you one of the many that is doing this?

I love this quote by Brendon Burchard:

“When you learn the difference between doing busywork vs your true life’s work, that’s the first step on the path to purpose”-  Brendon Burchard 

It’s so easy to get stuck in a cycle of doing work that we don’t enjoy if we think of a job as a way to make money to pay bills, but I believe strongly that God did not put us on the earth to pay bills and die!  He has given each of us a bigger purpose and He desires us to use our talents, abilities, gifts, and skills (I like to call our T.A.G.S.) to do purpose-driven work which is our life’s work.

So how do we identify the difference between “busy work” and our “life’s work“?  I attempt to break it down in this post.

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Chronos Time v. Kairos Time



Last week on the blog I discussed the difference between busy work v life’s work and how a large percentage of our time on earth will be spent working, so it’s important to make sure you are doing your life’s work and not just busy work. If you missed the post, be sure to check it out.

This week I want to explore the definition of time and go a little deeper on the topic of how we spend our time. I recently became more aware of the concept of two types of time, Kairos Time and Chronos Time

According to Wikipedia, Kairos is an Ancient Greek word meaning the right, criticalproper or opportune moment or time for action while Chronos refers to chronological or sequential time.  

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Good Idea v God Idea


A couple of years ago, I was on an interview and I was asked, “What do you think is the difference between a good idea and God’s idea?”  The interviewer felt like all good things come from God so if it’s a good idea then move forward with it. 

At the time, I didn’t have a clear point of view of a good idea versus a God idea, but several months later it became crystal clear what the difference was. So in this blog post, I will share the revelation that I received regarding a good idea v. God idea.

As entrepreneurs and business owners, we usually have more ideas than the average person, and many ideas could be considered good ideas. The question then is, as believers in business how do we determine whether to move forward with a good idea and whether the idea is a God thing or simply a good thing!   

The biggest way to know the difference is to recognize the difference between a good idea and a God idea:  

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Prayer + Fasting

There is no denying prayer is powerful.  I outlined the power of prayer in my post last week, but certain things can only be accomplished, completed, attained through the powerful spiritual discipline of both prayer and fasting!

This week’s vlog, I share Prayer + Fasting:  The Power of Praying and Fasting. 

Quick Summary:

The main benefit of prayer is it is a direct line to our Creator.  It is the way we get to communicate with God.  God not only hears us, but He listens to us and He answers our prayers.  

The main benefit of fasting is it strengthens us Spiritually and allows us to hear clearly from God.  

When you practice both prayer and fasting you are communicating with God and hearing clearly from God and that is a powerful thing! 

Benefits of Prayer

There are so many benefits to prayer! I outlined several of the benefits in the Power of Prayer vlog, but for this post, I’m focusing on the fact that prayer is our key communication method with our Heavenly Father.  When we pray we are in direct communication with God and He hears us, listens to us, and answers our prayers. How wonderful is that?!

Benefits of Fasting

Fasting is the Spiritual principle of abstaining from food for an extended period of time. That time could be an hour, a day, a week. it depends on how you are led.  

The main key is that you are abstaining from physical food.  Some people fast from social media, sugar, etc, but that is more of a sacrifice than a true fasting so when I say fasting I mean fasting from food.  

There are many benefits to fasting.  One of the biggest benefits is the fact that it decreases our desires of the flesh and increases our desires of our spirit, so practicing the discipline of fasting allows us to grow spiritually.  

In addition, fasting nurtures the fruit of self-discipline from the fruit of the Spirit.  It allows us to grow in being self-discipline.  It allows us to have self-control which is an important fruit of the Spirit.  

Benefits of Prayer and Fasting

The combination of prayer and fasting is like a super power!  In fact, scripture says in Matthew [17:21] that certain things will only be accomplished with the combination of prayer and fasting.  

When you activate the spiritual discipline of prayer (communication with God) and the spiritual discipline of fasting (decreasing flesh and increasing spirit so you can hear clearly from God) all things become possible. 

Invitation to the Faith Activation Club

You’re invited to join us for the Faith Activation Club. It’s not just a journey, but an EXPERIENCE that will include prayer, fasting, and journaling in a safe, sacred container of support.

If you desire to GROW spiritually, personally, and in your business, you are invited to join us in the Faith Activation Club, membership is open now to March 28th.

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The Power of Prayer

Prayer is one of the most important and powerful spiritual principles that can impact your life and your business. 

This week’s vlog, I share 3 keys to having a powerful and impactful prayer life!

Quick Summary:

The 4 Keys to a Powerful and Impactful Prayer Life include:

1. Communication

2. Communion

3. Connection

4. Consistency

1. Communication

Prayer is the key way to build relationship with God.  The A.C.T.S. method is a framework that you can use for prayer and includes:  

  • A-  Adoration–  Offering God praise for who He is
  • C-  Confession- We have all sinned and fallen short.  Prayer gives you an opportunity to confess your sins to God and repent.   
  • T-  Thanks–  Giving thanks for all God has done, all God is doing and all God will do.  Having an attitude of Gratitude is God’s will for us.
  • S- Specific–  Make your request specific.  Matthew 7:7 says to “Ask”  so ask for specific things when you are making a prayer request.

2. Communion

Communion is defined as the sharing of intimate thoughts and feelings, especially when the exchange is on a mental or spiritual level. 

3. Connection

Prayer allows you to connect with God in a personal and private way.  

4. Consistency

Prayer is most effective when it’s consistent.  The Bible teaches to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians [5:16]-18) 

Invitation to the Faith Activation Club

You’re invited to join us for the Faith Activation Club. It’s not just a journey, but an EXPERIENCE that will include prayer, fasting, and journaling in a safe, sacred container of support.

If you desire to GROW spiritually, personally, and in your business, you are invited to join us in the Faith Activation Club, membership is open now to March 28th.  

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Activate Your Faith

We have all been given a “measure” of FAITH, but are we actively working to strengthen our faith?  

Firstly, let’s define faith, according to Hebrews 11:1, faith is the substance of things HOPED for, the evidence of things NOT SEEN.  Faith requires ACTION because faith without works is DEAD!  

This week’s vlog, I share 3 spiritual principles that will help you STRENGTHEN your FAITH!

Quick Summary:

Are you ACTIVATING your FAITH?  Discover 3 Spiritual disciplines that allow you to STRENGTHEN and ACTIVATE your FAITH:

  1. Prayer-  The act of consistently communicating with God
  2. Fasting-  Allows you to decrease your flesh and increase your spirit 
  3. Guided Journaling-  Allows you to hear from the Holy Spirit.   

1. Prayer

Prayer is one of the most important spiritual disciplines because it allows you to communicate with the creator of you and all things.  Prayer is simply a conversation with God.  Sometimes people are intimidated with prayer, especially in public settings, but if we look at it as a simple conversation and we communicate authentically then there is no need to be intimidated.  

You can strengthen your faith by having a consistent prayer habit and praying authentically from your heart whether it’s a public or private prayer.  Make prayer personal to you.

2. Fasting

One of the biggest benefits of fasting is CLARITY!   The act of not eating for an extended period of time can help to decrease your FLESH and increase your SPIRIT.  A key strategy when fasting is to replace the times when you would have been eating physical food with eating spiritual food like worship songs, sermons, or spiritual podcasts. Doing these things to replace eating during your time of fasting helps to STRENGTHEN your FAITH!

Decide what works best for you to be consistent with fasting. Whether it’s for 1 day, 21 days, 1 hr a day, or 12 hrs a day, pick what you feel led to do and start to practice the spiritual discipline of FASTING!

3. Guided Journaling

Guided journaling is a great way to hear from the Holy Spirit. It offers an opportunity to REFLECT, allows you to PROCESS your thoughts, feelings and emotions; and to track your PROGRESS as you GROW spiritually!

Invitation to the Faith Activation Club

You’re invited to join us for the Faith Activation Club. It’s not just a journey, but an EXPERIENCE that will include prayer, fasting, and journaling in a safe, sacred container of support.

If you desire to GROW spiritually, personally, and in your business, you are invited to join us in the Faith Activation Club starting on Thursday, March 14th at 12 pm ET.

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The Heart to Hear From God

As a believer in business, one of the things that we strongly desire is to hear from God for instructions, guidance, and direction for life and for business.  However, sometimes it can be unclear whether you are hearing from God.  

In this week’s vlog I share 3 ways to be open to hear from God and it’s all connected with having a heart to hear from God. 

Quick Summary:

Do you have a heart to hear from God? Here are three ways to be open to hear from God for life and business:

  1. Open your spiritual ear 
  2. Know how God speaks to you personally 
  3. Understand how you receive what you hear. Recognize if you are being obedient.

3 Ways to Be Open to Hear from God for Life and Business:

1. Ear- Open Your Spiritual Ear

Open Your Spiritual Ear.  It’s not a coincidence that the word “ear” is in the middle of “heart”.  In order to hear from God you have to open your “spiritual ear”, so you can hear!  Ways to open your spiritual ear include:

  • Remove Distractions
  • Be Still 
  • Create Space and time to hear from God

2. Hear- Know How You Hear From God

God is speaking all the time, it’s just up to you to know how He specifically speaks to you.  Some examples of how God speaks include:

  • His written word-  The Bible
  • His spoken word-  The Holy Spirit 
  • Nature- weather, sun, moon, trees, water 
  • Patterns-  Colors, numbers, 3x 

3. Heart- The Texture of Your Heart Matters

The texture of your heart plays a role in how you receive a word from God.  The two textures are:

  • Soft Heart–  Able to hear a word from God because your heart is soft (sympathetic, kind nature)
  • Hardened Heart-  Can’t hear from God because your heart is hardened (Matthew [13:15]).  With a hardened heart, your spiritual ears can’t hear, spiritual eyes can’t see and you don’t recognize God and can’t turn to God. 

Do you have a heart to hear from God?

  • Is your Spiritual ear open?
  • How do you hear from God?
  • How is what you hear received?

Scripture Reference

  • Be still (Psalm [46:10])
  • The texture of your heart (Ezekiel [36:26])
  • A hardened heart (Matthew [13:15])

Invitation to the Faith Activation Club

You’re invited to join us for the Faith Activation Club.  It’s not just a journey, but an EXPERIENCE that will include prayer, fasting, and journaling in a safe, sacred container of support.

If you desire to GROW spiritually, personally, and in your business, you are invited to join us in the Faith Activation Club starting on Thursday, March 14th at 12 pm ET.

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Become v. Outcome

As a woman of faith in business or a believer in business, you probably have a God-given dream, vision or goal.  We all have an outcome we are desiring and looking forward to, but it usually doesn’t happen immediately! 

One of the hardest things to do is to TRUST God for the outcome of that dream, vision, or goal.  And TRUST the process so you can become the person that God created you to be so you can have the outcome that God designed for you. 

In this week’s vlog I share, Become v. Outcome, the importance of trusting the process. 

Quick Summary:

Joseph’s story shows us that a process is required before your dream, vision, or goal reaches fruition. This requires us to have to trust God’s timing and trust the process including:

  1. Hold on to your God-given dream, vision, and goal
  2. Trust God’s process (if He allowed it to happen it will be for your good)
  3. Trust God’s timing (it can take years for your dream, vision or goal to manifest)
  4. God has a plan and your purpose is a part of God’s plan

Story of Joseph

  • Joseph had a dream that he will be influential, powerful, and a leader that his brothers would bow down to
  • Joseph shared his dream with his brothers
  • Joseph was betrayed by his brothers and thrown in a pit
  • Joseph was sold into slavery and became a slave in Potiphar’s house
  • Potiphar’s wife falsely accuses Joseph of rape
  • Joseph is thrown in prison 
  • Joseph used his gift of dream interpretation to help his prison mates who were the chief cup bearer and the chief chef
  • Joseph was called out of prison to use his gift of dream interpretation to interpret Pharoah’s (the King of Egypt) dream
  • Joseph is appointed the second in charge to Pharoah
  • Joseph’s brothers who betrayed him end up bowing down to him 
In order for Joseph to become the leader that God called him to be, he had to go through the process.

God is responsible for producing the outcome (vision, dream, goal) you are responsible for being obedient and trusting God no matter what your current situation may look like. 

Despite being:

  • Betrayed
  • Enslaved
  • Lied on
  • Imprisoned
  • Forgotten

Joseph’s dream still came to pass!

It was a process that took many years before it reached fruition.  Key things to remember from the story of Joseph:

  1. Hold on to your God-given dream, vision, or goal
  2. Trust God’s process (if He allowed it to happen it will be for your good)
  3. Trust God’s timing (it can take years before you see your dream, vision or goal reach fruition)
  4. God has a plan and your purpose is a part of God’s plan

Scripture Reference

Story of Joseph-  Genesis 37-50

Invitation to the Faith Activation Club

You’re invited to join us for the Faith Activation Club.  It’s not just a journey, but an EXPERIENCE that will include prayer, fasting, and journaling in a safe, sacred container of support.

If you desire to GROW spiritually, personally, and in your business, you are invited to join us in the Faith Activation Club starting on Thursday, March 14th at 12 pm ET.

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You Are Well Able

We all face obstacles, challenges, and difficult circumstances, but as believers in business, we know we also have the ability to OVERCOME any obstacle that we may face.  

This week on the VLOG I share that YOU are well able to face your challenges and overcome with FAITH! Watch the video or read the post below:

Quick Summary:

No matter what situation you may be facing right now:

  • REALIZE that YOU are well ABLE
  • KNOW that the Lord is with YOU
  • TRUST that God will allow you to OVERCOME

Caleb's Declaration to the Israelites

We can learn from the story of Caleb and Joshua about overcoming obstacles.  Caleb looked past the circumstances in the promised land.  The others negatively reported:

  • The people are strong
  • The city is walled and the wall is great
  • The land was inhibited by their enemies (Amalekites)
  • The mountains were inhibited
  • The sea was inhibited 

But Caleb looked past the circumstances in the land and declared:

  • Let us go up at once and posses it
  • We are well able to overcome it

The group continued to be negative and stated:

  • The people are GIANTS
  • We are GRASSHOPPERS in their eyes

The Israelites were devastated because of the bad report, but another person had a good perspective like Caleb. Joshua said:

  • The Lord delights in us, He will bring us into this land, and give it to us
  • The Lord is with us
  • Fear not

The only two people in that generation who eventually made it to the promised land were Joshua and Caleb.  The two individuals who had a POSITIVE perspective.  

Practical Lessons:

  1. REALIZE that YOU are well ABLE
  2. KNOW that the Lord is with YOU
  4. TRUST that God will allow you to OVERCOME

Scripture References:

  • Numbers 13:1-33
  • Numbers 14:1-10

Invitation to The Power of Faith Virtual Event

Did you know that YOU have the power to MOVE any mountain, CALM any storm and SLAY any giant in your LIFE through the power of FAITH?

Learn how to identify, resolve, and overcome the Blessing Blockers (self-doubt, fear, procrastination, distraction, etc.) that stand in your way and ACTIVATE your FAITH at the Power of Faith Virtual Event on Friday, February 23rd at 11 am ET.

Plus, meet and network with other faith-based women entrepreneurs and business owners. Your ticket includes the best-selling book, “90-Day Activate Your Faith Journal: Strengthen Your Faith By Overcoming Blessing Blockers“.

Click on the button below to join us for the Power of Faith Virtual Event!

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