Business Planning

10 Favorite Marketing & Management Tools 2020

This year has been a different kind of year for many of us, but despite the craziness of 2020, we still need tools to help us manage the things in our business.  In this post, I share 10 of my favorite marketing and management tools for 2020.  

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3 things to commit to succeed in marketing

Previously, we learned 3 areas where you must exercise consistency when marketing your business successfully so that you get the results you want. Click the link to learn how consistency can be the key to your marketing success. We have already discussed confidence and consistency.

This week let’s talk about COMMITMENT! This will be our focus word for the week. I want to share 3 things that you need to be committed to be successful in marketing. Take a look at the video or read the summary below to learn more.

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The Collective Pause of 2020

Last week we talked about the words unprecedented and unrivaled. We acknowledged that we are living in unprecedented times; however, we have the power of unrivaled support in God. Take a look at the blog post to learn the why unprecedented is no match for unrivaled and how to choose unrivaled over unprecedented.

We spent the month of April talking about the happenings of the world during Marketing Monday. Since COVID-19 we have had to change the way we live on a daily basis. Our world was required to shelter in place which led each of us to pause our regular activity in some form. This week we will learn about the Collective Pause of 2020. Take a look at the video or read the summary below to learn more about the Collective Pause of 2020.

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3 ways to manage ideas and not get shiny object syndrome

Last week, we stretched our imagination as that was our focus. We talked about how tapping into your imagination is a practice we do less of as we age. However, we learned how imagination plays a big role in the one key question you can ask to attract new business. After reading the blog, let us know your thoughts.

This week we are focusing on IDEAS. As business owners and entrepreneurs we have IDEAS drop in our spirit all the time. However, we must be aware of the ‘shiny object syndrome.’ This is where you lose focus of the goal due to the big bright IDEAS. We have already talked about innovation and imagination earlier this month, but today let’s really take a look at the importance of IDEAS. Take a look at the video or read the summary below to learn 3 ways to manage your ideas and not get caught in the shiny object syndrome.

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Posted by Nadine Mullings  |  Comments Off on 3 ways to manage ideas and not get shiny object syndrome  |  in Blog, Business, Business Development, Business Planning, Faith, Marketing, Purpose, Vision

How Consistency Can be the Key to Your Marketing Success

In the last blog post, we talked about confidence and how it is needed in marketing your business.  We specifically discussed one thing that can give you confidence when you market your business.  Be sure to check it out and share your thoughts.

This week we are excited to talk about CONSISTENCY. This is one of the key things I tell my clients about marketing their business successfully and get results; they must have CONSISTENCY. After this blog, you will know 3 areas where you must exercise consistency when marketing your business successfully so that you get the results you want. Take a look at the video or read the summary to learn more about how CONSISTENCY can be the key to your marketing success.

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Posted by Nadine Mullings  |  Comments Off on How Consistency Can be the Key to Your Marketing Success  |  in Blog, Business, Business Planning, Faith, Marketing, Networking, Social Media, Tools

ONE thing to make you more confident when marketing

We have discussed how to be Holy Spirit-Led in the actions of your business. Take a listen to 3 ways to take Spirit-Led Action in your business. This week we are excited to share our thoughts about CONFIDENCE and marketing in your business. CONFIDENCE will be our focus word for the week. Take a look at the video or read the summary to learn more about having confidence in marketing your business.

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Why Scheduling in Advance Could be The Key to Your Success

On the last Marketing Monday, I shared two things to consider when planning your marketing for 2020 and our focus word was PLANNING.  Click the link above to learn a couple of tips as you are planning your marketing.

This week I want to turn the focus on scheduling; our focus word for this week is SCHEDULE.  I want to share Why Scheduling Things in Advance Could be The KEY to Your Success in 2020.  Take a look at the video or read the summary to learn more.

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3 key areas to be clear on when marketing your business

Last week, we addressed ENERGY! Energy is not your typical marketing word, but it plays a significant role in your marketing messages. Click the link to learn more about how energy impacts your marketing results.

This week we will be discussing CLARITY. This word comes up in quite often with my one on one and group coaching clients. When you have CLARITY in your brand you are better equipped to market effectively. Watch the video and/or read the summary below to learn 3 areas you should be clear on when it comes to marketing your business.

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Posted by Nadine Mullings  |  Comments Off on 3 key areas to be clear on when marketing your business  |  in Blog, Build, Business, Business Planning, Ideal Client, Marketing

How Your Energy Impacts Your Marketing Results

Hey there, so glad you stopped by my blog today! Last week, we discussed 4 ways you should be consistent in your marketing. Our focus word for the week was consistency. Consistency in your marketing will lead to success in your business. Be sure to check out that blog to learn more.

This week we are discussing how your energy impacts your marketing results. Our focus word is ENERGY. This is not your typical marketing word, but it an idea that should be discussed because your energy is felt in your marketing. Watch the video and/or read the summary below to learn how your energy impacts your marketing.

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4 ways you should be consistent with your marketing

Have you created your marketing system? In my last blog, I discussed how to create your marketing system in your business. Your marketing system requires 4 principles to consistently gain new leads and clients for your business. Be sure to check it out if you have not done so already!

Today, I want to share with you 4 ways you should be consistent in your marketing. Our focus word for the week is CONSISTENCY. Being consistent in your marketing will make you successful. Watch the video and/or read the summary below to learn more about being consistent in your marketing.

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