Why Scheduling in Advance Could be The Key to Your Success

On the last Marketing Monday, I shared two things to consider when planning your marketing for 2020 and our focus word was PLANNING.  Click the link above to learn a couple of tips as you are planning your marketing.

This week I want to turn the focus on scheduling; our focus word for this week is SCHEDULE.  I want to share Why Scheduling Things in Advance Could be The KEY to Your Success in 2020.  Take a look at the video or read the summary to learn more.

Scheduling is important to increase the success of your marketing plans.  Keep in mind that ‘if it is not scheduled, it does not exist.’ Schedule your activities once you have completed your plan; this can be via your google calendar, ical, outlook, paper calendar, etc.

Things you should schedule:

  1. Meetings (teams, clients, groups, etc.)
  2. Events (events you will attend and host)
  3. Social Media (posts, LIVE, etc.)

You need to schedule activities at least 90 days out. The tool I use to schedule out my marketing activities is CoSchedule. I use it to schedule my social media, events, email marketing, and other marketing activities.  Two of the benefits of scheduling are organization and frequency in your business.  Check out the blog post I did about CoSchedule to learn some of its features. If you are ready to enroll or want to learn more about enrollment CLICK HERE.

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Posted by Nadine Mullings  |  Comments Off on Why Scheduling in Advance Could be The Key to Your Success  |  in Blog, Business, Business Planning, Marketing, Tools, Vision

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