Hey there, so glad you stopped by my blog today! Last week, we discussed 4 ways you should be consistent in your marketing. Our focus word for the week was consistency. Consistency in your marketing will lead to success in your business. Be sure to check out that blog to learn more.
This week we are discussing how your energy impacts your marketing results. Our focus word is ENERGY. This is not your typical marketing word, but it an idea that should be discussed because your energy is felt in your marketing. Watch the video and/or read the summary below to learn how your energy impacts your marketing.
As you know, I stress that you should choose three key marketing strategies that resonate with you and your audience. Whichever strategies you select, you must watch your energy around those strategies. For example, if video marketing is one of your strategies people will see you on video and hear your voice. Your energy must match your marketing message.
Your tone, your body language, your expressions, your words all come through in your message no matter if it is emails, speaking, articles, videos, etc. However, you must always be authentic in your delivery because your audience reacts to and becomes inspired by your energy.
Your energy impacts the success of your marketing. A personal example is where I was dealing with some personal concerns, but I was still trying to accomplish my business goals; however, my energy was not great. I had to pause on a facebook live I was doing because I realized my energy was allowing me to deliver a message that would produce the results I desired.
It is important to pay attention to your energy before you share your message with your audience. This will help you deliver the message you want your audience to receive in the way you want them to receive it.
The B.E.S.T. Marketing System LIVE online program is open for registration. This program walks you through how to effectively market and grow your business. If you are practicing Random Acts of Marketing (RAM) then this program is for you.
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