For the last couple of months, I have been reading the devotional journal 100 Days of Believing Bigger. The devotional lays out 10 key areas that will help you to believe bigger.
One of the sections that stood out for me in the devotional was the Blessing Blockers, the things that we tend to do that block our blessings. The devotional lists 10 blessing blockers. However, for this post, I will be sharing 7 blessing blockers that I feel impact women of faith in business the most:
1. Self-Doubt
As women of faith in business, self-doubt can be a major blessing blocker. We can struggle with thoughts of not being good enough, not being worthy enough, not being loved or appreciated. We will never fully pursue what we don’t believe we are worthy to receive. One of the key ways to eliminate this blessing blocker is to believe who God says you are and the visions, gifts, talents, and abilities that He has given you. Take action not based on thoughts of not being, but because you believe you are who God says you are: a conqueror, leader, loved, cherished, and so much more.
In what ways has self-doubt been a blessing blocker for you?
2. Isolation
In order to grow a business you can’t do it alone, so staying isolated can be a major blessing blocker for women of faith in business. God desires us to get help. My guiding scripture for 2021 was specific instruction on how we are to get help, “ASK and it will be given to you, SEEK and you shall find, KNOCK and it will be opened to you.”- Matthew 7:7.
One of the keys to growing my business over the last several years has been being involved in Mastermind groups and having a Virtual Assistant. The Mastermind groups allow me to get the support that I need for my business through a group of like-minded business owners. My virtual assistant helps me to get the work done so it doesn’t all end up on my plate but instead, I get support to implement and execute.
In what ways has isolation been a blessing blocker for you?
3. Comparison
Comparison is a common problem especially for women of faith in business. The business world constantly gives us the impression that we need to be something other than what we are. But it’s important for you to accept yourself just the way you are. When you have a strong faith in God’s love and plan for your life you can be confident in who you are without comparing yourself to others. So make a decision to be grateful for the person God made you to be, and then you will never again compare yourself with someone else.
In what ways has comparison been a blessing blocker for you?
4. Indecision
As women of faith in business, we can have so many ideas and opportunities that being indecisive can actually end up being a blessing blocker. When it comes to making decisions in life and in business it’s important to make sure that we are in alignment with God’s will, way, and word. When the idea or opportunity is in alignment with these things, then its easier for you to make a decision and to make it quickly. Take everything to God in prayer and then take action.
In what ways has indecision been a blessing blocker for you?
5. Facts
This one was a BIG one for me. If you’re a Type A personality like me, you may want to always look at things from the logic and focusing on the facts and the figures, but as women of faith in business, it’s also important to look beyond the facts and focus on our faith. Facts don’t necessarily tell the whole truth. God operates in the unseen realm and because His provision is limitless, facts don’t tell the full picture. We serve a God that is BIGGER than the facts. We have seen many stories in the Bible that prove this, and this still pertains to how God operates in the world today so it’s important for us to speak faith and not facts.
In what ways have facts been a blessing blocker for you?
6. Distraction
Entrepreneurs are notorious for having shiny object syndrome. Chasing the next shiny object (tactic, strategy, opportunity), etc. However, as women of faith in business, it’s important to have a spirit of discernment and not distraction. Discerning what God desires us to do and not get distracted with the things that don’t align with our current assignment. Pay attention to the truly important things and learn what (and who) to ignore.
In what ways has distraction been a blessing blocker for you?
7. Shrinking
Being humble and not wanting to brag or shine in the marketplace is a blessing blocker that a lot of women of faith in business struggle with. It is important to be humble and God requires us to be humble, but being humble doesn’t mean not recognizing your talents, abilities, gifts, and skills and using them to shine in the marketplace so that you can give all the glory to God! The reason God wants you to have a strong, all things possible self-image is for the very purpose of you being able to fulfill your purpose. God desires for us to SHINE in our lane!
In what ways has shrinking been a blessing blocker for you?
Need help identifying and conquering your blessing blockers? Find out if the Master’s Mind: A Powerful Mastermind for Women of Faith in Business starting Thursday, August 11th at 12:00 pm ET. Schedule a Marketing Clarity Call to see if the Mastermind is right for you