
Celebrating Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month which gives us the opportunity to remind ourselves of the many accomplishments of women throughout history including our contribution to culture, society, science, politics and my favorite…business!

Did you know that originally Women’s History was marked by one day but has since evolved to a full month?

 Here’s 5 fun facts about Women’s History Month.

  1. The first Women’s History Day was held in 1909
  2. The day became Women’s History Week in 1978
  3. In 1987, it became Women’s History Month
  4. Since 1995, every president has issued a proclamation declaring March Women’s History Month
  5. Every Women’s History Month has a theme, this year’s theme is “Women Providing Healing, Promoting Hope,”   
Let’s take time to reflect on the theme this month and think of ways we can provide healing and hope especially during these challenging times in the world.  Also, let’s take the time to celebrate the many accomplishments and achievements that women have made to society and in the world!  Happy Women’s History Month!


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Your Marketplace Message

This challenge is really about getting clear, consistent, and confident with your marketing so you can easily attract the clients you are called to serve and I’m excited to bring it all together on Day 5.

The first step to a successful result is commitment. Your commitment begins with you, but ultimately it’s a commitment to those you are called to serve. This marketing challenge is different than most because we are not talking about the strategies we are talking more about your marketing foundation.

What is the message that God is giving you to share with the marketplace and how are you showing up when sharing that message? Proverbs [18:21] talks about the tongue having the power of life and death. And those who love it will eat its fruit.

This is basically telling us the power of our message, the power of our voice. It’s so powerful and important in the marketplace because we have the ability to create life and death based on the words that come out of our mouths. Our marketplace message is powerful and how it impacts our clients and the marketplace is just as powerful. We experience the fruit from it when we are clear on what our marketplace message needs to be.

If you’re a woman of faith in business who is a coach, consultant, and/or author and you want to reach more people, share your message, and/or get more clients…then you are invited to schedule a Marketplace Messenger Intensive.

During this time you will:

  • Create your results-driven marketing plan
  • Set your intention for your top 3 purpose-driven business goals
  • Create your marketing foundation
  • Create a Spirit-led marketing strategy
  • Create a marketing calendar and schedule to cover the next 90 days
  • And so much more…

It is time to dive deeper, join me for a Marketplace Messenger Intensive.

Posted by Nadine Mullings  |  Comments Off on Your Marketplace Message  |  in Blog, Business, Business Planning, Marketing, Mission, Purpose, Vision

Why knowing who you are called to serve is important for your business

Last week, our focus was Mission and the impact of a mission statement on your business.  This week we shall place our focus on how to determine your IDEAL CLIENT AKA who you’re called to serve in the marketplace.  Watch the video below, or read the post to learn why an ideal client profile is important to your business.

I have found that it is difficult for many business owners and entrepreneurs to determine their ideal client. Most believe it is best to attract any client; however, they do not understand that your message does not resonate to everyone.

Key Points to Consider when Determining your Ideal Client:

  1. DEMOGRAPHICS – The description of your ideal client to this includes age, gender, race, income, etc. This helps to determine how you market to the ideal client.
  2. PSYCHOGRAPHICS – What does your ideal client think? What is their personality type? What does your ideal client like? What are they attracted to? What are their social activities? What are their religious preferences?
  3. PROBLEMS – What problems does your ideal client have? Think about all the problems they have that your product or service resolves.
  4. SOLUTIONS – What is your solution for your ideal client’s problem? Focus on being the problem solver instead of making the sell.

If you take these points into consideration when narrowing down who your ideal client is, you will better market your product or service. Ultimately, you will see an increase in your clients and revenue. 

Want to get clear on your marketing foundation including your purpose, mission and vision statement so you can attract the people you are called to serve in the marketplace?  Be sure to join me for the Attract the Clients Your Called to Serve 5-Day Marketing Challenge from February 21-25, 2022

Posted by Nadine Mullings  |  Comments Off on Why knowing who you are called to serve is important for your business  |  in Blog, Business, Business Development, Business Planning, Ideal Client, Marketing, Marketing for Coaches, Marketing for Consultants

The impact of a mission statement on your business

We have talked about vision and purpose in our previous videos, and today’s focus is 

Mission Statement – what your company will do on a daily basis to make your vision a reality. It should include who you serve, what you serve and how you do it. Vision is your long-term goal.  Your mission is your daily activity, your grind or hustle to improve the world, your industry or marketplace.

My mission is to stop RAM.  RAM is Random Acts of Marketing.  We need to have strategic marketing plans so we can achieve more clients and money in our business.

The importance of mission statements in business is that people like to get behind missions. If your business mission statement is articulated clearly you will attract your ideal client.

Want to get clear on your marketing foundation including your purpose, mission and vision statement so you can attract the people you are called to serve in the marketplace?  Be sure to join me for the Attract the Clients Your Called to Serve 5-Day Marketing Challenge from February 21-25, 2022

Posted by Nadine Mullings  |  Comments Off on The impact of a mission statement on your business  |  in Blog, Business, Business Development, Marketing, Mission, Vision

What’s the VISION you have for your business?

I love the quote by Helen Keller that says, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no VISION”.  Vision is so important in life and especially in business.  As believers we should be partnering with God to receive a God-given vision for our businesses.  His word says in Proverbs [29:18]-  Where there is no VISION, the people perish; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.     

So let’s focus on what is means to have a God-given vision for our business with the word of the day from this Marketing Monday video from 2020: To help us focus to begin the process of focusing on VISION take a look at the video or read the summary to learn more.

What’s the vision you have for your business?

I give a few examples of business vision statements for popular companies in my marketing planner, THE BEST MARKETING PLANNER. For instance, Google’s vision is to provide access to the world’s information in one click. Nike’s vision statement is to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. Zappos’ vision statement is all about happiness; they want to deliver happiness to customers, employers, and vendors. American Express wants respect because their vision is to work hard every day to make American Express the world’s most respected service brand.

We learn from those vision statement examples that vision statements are more about what they want their product or service to accomplish in the world versus being specific about the service or product itself.

In the Bible, God gave Abraham a vision that he will be the father of many nations.  At the time Abraham and his wife were very old and had no kids, so the God-given vision seemed impossible in the natural, but we serve a God who is super natural. The vision that He gives us supersedes the natural world.  

My company’s vision is to become a trusted resource and support for faith-based women entrepreneurs and business owners who want to increase their impact, influence, and income. I believe in the ripple effect…..if a woman is able to accomplish her vision then you will see it in every part of her life including her family, community, country, and worldwide.

What do you want your product or service to accomplish to make the world a better place?  (Drop your vision statement and/or your comments and thoughts in the comment section)

Want to get clear on your marketing foundation including your purpose, mission and vision statement so you can attract the people you are called to serve in the marketplace?  Be sure to join me for the Attract the Clients Your Called to Serve 5-Day Marketing Challenge from February 21-25, 2022.

Posted by Nadine Mullings  |  Comments Off on What’s the VISION you have for your business?  |  in Blog, Build, Business, Business Planning, Faith, Marketing, Tools, Vision

Why tapping into your PURPOSE can elevate your business

Did you know that when you are clear on your WHY it can elevate your business? Today’s post is all about how tapping into the PURPOSE of your business can elevate your business. Watch the video below, or read the post to learn the benefits of purpose in your business.

Your business purpose is the specific business intent for which your company has been founded. Your business purpose statement states your business purpose in one or two sentences.

Clarity offers what you do in your business and why your company does what it does. Focus helps to guide your decisions in business as to what falls under your business purpose. Your business purpose gives your business and actions meaning.

Here is a quick exercise to help you form your business purpose statement:

My business was founded to ___________________________________.

Complete that statement in one or two sentences and you will be on your way to establishing your business purpose.

Want to get clear on your marketing foundation including your purpose, mission and vision statement so you can attract the people you are called to serve in the marketplace?  Be sure to join me for the Attract the Clients Your Called to Serve 5-Day Marketing Challenge from February 21-25, 2022.

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5 Faith-based Marketing Principles to Grow Your Business

Earlier this month I hosted the Faith-Based Entrepreneur’s Marketing Intensive.  It was all about getting clear, consistent, and confident when it comes to marketing your business so you can attract the people that you are called to serve in the Marketplace.  

During the workshop, I shared 5 faith-based foundational marketing principles to grow your business.  This blog post is a summary of these foundational principles that I shared.  Once you get clear on the following things then you are better able to reach, attract, and get the attention of the people you are called to serve: 

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Organize, Schedule, and Manage Your Marketing with the Marketing Calendar by CoSchedule

If you have a desire to be more consistent with your marketing this year, then you definitely need this tool to help you organize, manage and schedule your marketing so you can be more consistent!

CoSchedule allows you to organize all of your marketing in one place and from any place! I have been using CoSchedule since 2015. I first found out about it when I was looking for a content calendar to manage my content marketing. After doing some research, my business coach at the time shared CoSchedule with me and I downloaded their free content marketing template and have been hooked ever since.

Now, CoSchedule is a part of the daily suite of online tools that I use to run my business. So why is CoSchedule the BEST Online Marketing Calendar?


It helps you to stay organized, and I’m all about being organized.

See All of Your Marketing in One Place

With the CoSchedule’s Online Marketing Calendar, you are able to see both your online and offline marketing all in one place. Whether it’s your WordPress blog post, Facebook post, Instagram post, LinkedIn post, Webinar, a Marketing Event or Email, it all shows up in one calendar for you to manage and see all of your marketing activities in one place. You can use color codes to easily identify key activities in a glance.

Use a specific color for your social media posts, use a different color for your emails, and another color for your blog posts. Doing this makes it easy to see your activity in one glance and know what you are doing on a monthly basis.

CoSchedule also gives you the ability to actually integrate to the tools you use to market your business, so you can automatically see the activity on your marketing calendar. For example, when I schedule an email in my email service provider, ActiveCampaign, it automatically shows up as an email marketing activity in my CoSchedule Calendar, or if I post a new blog on my WordPress website, the blog post automatically shows up in my CoSchedule Calendar. The integration with your everyday tools makes it easy to see and track your marketing all in one place.


You can manage your marketing by managing your marketing projects, teams, tasks all in one place.

Share Your Marketing from One Place

CoSchedule is a great tool to share your marketing tasks with others. Whether it’s your internal marketing support team or if you’re a solopreneur with an outsource Online Business Manager or Virtual Assistant, you are able to share all the marketing tasks, projects, and responsibilities in one place. Everyone is on the same page for the marketing activity for the week, month, or even the year.

You can also build engagement and repurpose your content by automatically sharing your evergreen social messages at the best times and republishing your top-performing messages by using the ReQueue feature of the CoSchedule Calendar. It automatically reschedules your evergreen social media content.



Schedule All Your Marketing in One Place

There are so many great features and uses for CoSchedule, but the most important is that if you want to get results from your marketing you need to plan and be organized and CoSchedule allows you to do both.

In fact, I like CoSchedule so much, that I’m also an affiliate, so if you’re interested in learning more about CoSchedule, be sure to click here or click on the logo below to sign-up.

Posted by Nadine Mullings  |  4 Comments  |  in Blog

The Power Within

One of the most important strengths that we have as believers in business is something we often overlook….it’s the power that God has given to us within and specifically leaning on the Holy Spirit to direct and guide us in business.  

This ONE thing really is our secret sauce, our secret weapon, the main ingredient for our success. But many people do not think about it or even talk about what it looks like to tap into the Power Within.  

In this blog post, I identify key ways you can be guided by the Power Within.  

1. Listen to the still small voice

Many times when we are led by the Holy Spirit we are listening to a still small voice inside of us that’s nudging us in a specific direction.  It’s usually very subtle, not loud, just an inner knowing that this is the right step or the next best move for you to make. 

How about you? Have you experienced inner tugging?  A small voice guiding you to the next best step?

2. Pay attention to the signs

Many times the Holy Spirit will guide you through signs.  A good example for signs and something that many people have said that they experience is getting a message in 3’s.  So you may get an email with a specific message, and then you watch something on TV with the same message, and then you listen to a podcast and it’s the same message. 

Hearing something in 3’s can often be a sign that you are being guided or directed by the Holy Spirit.  This just happened to me recently.  I was doing a podcast interview for my podcast Women Faith + Business and the guest talked about looking for the Joy in Journey. Then the very next day when I was reading my morning devotion, it talked about the Joy in your journey. Last but not least I received the message several days later when someone mentioned in a meeting that there is joy in the journey.  

I took that as a definite sign that God was guiding me through the Holy Spirit to look for joy in my journey. Now I am being more intentional about recognizing that there is joy in this journey and making sure I pay attention to it.  

How about you?  Have you experienced the Holy Spirit guiding you with messages that you receive in 3’s?  If so, be sure to share in the comments below.

3. Remember God's Word

Many times the Holy Spirit will actually guide you through scripture.  Bringing to our remembrance a specific scripture, verse, or a story in the Bible that may be relevant to what we are going through in life or in business that we can learn from, lean on, or gain insight from.  As the word says in John [14:26], “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”

4. Let Peace Guide Your Decisions

One of the fruits of the Holy Spirit is Peace. When there is a sense of peace in your Spirit about a decision you are being guided by the Holy Spirit. And when you don’t have peace or when you are frustrated or confused, more than likely you are not being guided by the Holy Spirit in your decision-making. Noticing the path of peace is a sure sign that you are being guided by the Holy Spirit. 

You’re invited to tap into the Power Within at a one-of-a-kind Power Within Virtual Retreat at home on Friday, September 24th, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm. Take time to discover how to fully rest in God’s will and way for your business, learn how to consistently reflect on the direction of your business and seek guidance for what God desires for you in this season, and then discover how to identify the next best steps to reset your business for the last quarter of 2021.  Space is limited, so be sure to sign-up to reserve your spot today!

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The Power of Scheduling

Last week I shared about the power of waiting, if you didn’t read that post be sure to check it out.  I shared five reasons why waiting is powerful, so it may seem contradictory to now write about the power of scheduling. But here is the thing, just because you’re waiting for something to manifest (goals, dreams, visions) doesn’t mean you don’t plan and prepare for the things to arrive, and included in planning is the powerful step of scheduling!  

I heard a quote from Marie Forleo that says “If it’s not scheduled it’s not real.” So, on this journey to achieving all that God has placed in our heart to achieve, we must do our part to accomplish our goals by writing the vision and making it plain and then scheduling the activity and taking Spirit-led action!  

Here are 3 reasons why scheduling things is powerful:

1. Consistency

One of the biggest struggles I hear from people when it comes to marketing and promoting their business is the struggle of staying consistent.  A GREAT way to stay consistent with the marketing activity for your business is to schedule it! If you have a Marketing Calendar and you schedule out your marketing activity on your marketing calendar, you will stay consistent with taking the action needed to market your business.  

2. Commitment

If you really want to be committed to consistently marketing and promoting your business then having a marketing schedule will help you to be committed to your marketing.  Last year when I surveyed my audience and asked how many people want to market and promote their business for the new year, 100% of the survey respondents said “Yes!”.  However, when I asked how many people have a marketing plan and schedule, 95% said they do not have one.  Having a plan and schedule shows that you are committed to achieving your business goals and have committed to a schedule to make your dreams a reality.  

3. Organization

A large percentage of marketing overwhelm comes from not being organized.  Having a set marketing schedule allows you to be organized and avoid overwhelm.  I recommend the CoSchedule Marketing Calendar as it helps you organize ALL of the marketing in one place.  I’ve used it for years and it helps me to stay organized when it comes to scheduling all of my marketing activities.  

If you need help with creating a marketing schedule for your business, be sure to register for the upcoming Marketplace Messenger Group Intensive on Friday, August 27th at 10 am ET.  If your desire is to attract the clients you are called to serve with ease and flow join this session to:

  • Get clear on your faith-based marketing principles 
  • Set your intention for your business goals for the next 90 days
  • Create a marketing plan and schedule for your business. 

Space is limited, so be sure to register to secure your spot!

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