The Power of Waiting

We live in a world where everything is expected to be done quickly or fast.  We are a microwave society where things are ready to consume in 5 minutes or less.  Gone are the days of appreciating the slow-cooked, take-all-day to prepare, types of meals because we just don’t have time for it!  

We apply this type of timing not only to our food, but our lives, and our businesses.  However, if your desire is to be in God’s will and to follow God’s way, sometimes that means you have to be comfortable with waiting for a long time.  

Joseph waited 13 years
Abraham waited 25 years 
Moses waited 40 years
Jesus waited 30 years

As the saying goes, it takes
10+ years to be an overnight success.  So while you are waiting and working, you have to TRUST God for his timing, TRUST God in the process, and TRUST God on your path.  

Here are 5 reasons why waiting on God is powerful:

1. Patience

When we have to wait on God’s timing, it allows us to build up patience and patience is so needed and necessary for this entrepreneurial journey.  We have to be patient with our vendors, patient with our partners, patient with our clients, patient with our employees. Patience is so important to have and is so beneficial for an entrepreneur and business owner and especially a person of faith. 

2. God's Perfect Timing

We may be desiring something in our business (ie. a big client, a certain income level, etc.), but God knows you’re not ready for it yet.  He knows there are still things that you need to have in place in order to sustain the big client or the income level. This is why it’s important to wait on God’s perfect timing, which is usually much longer than we desire or even expect.  

3. Building Your Character

God desires to prosperous us and to give us hope and a future (Jeremiah [29:11]). He also knows in order to prosper us, He has to build up our character so that we are able to manage it. A large reason why God requires us to wait and why waiting is so powerful is during the time that we are waiting for the thing that we desire, God is building up our character so that we are able to maintain and keep the things that he has promised us. 

4. Trust God

Waiting is powerful because it allows us to TRUST God.  When we don’t see something happening quickly we tend to start to doubt whether it will ever happen.  Abraham and Sarah are great examples of struggling with the waiting period.  Even though God had promised them a child, as the years passed and nothing happened, they began to doubt and decided to take things into their own hands and we know how that ended up (not good!).  Being in a waiting season in our business is helping us to TRUST God and the vision and desire that He has given us for this business. Even if it doesn’t seem to be happening in the natural, we trust that it will happen because we trust God. 

5. Thankful

We tend to be more thankful for the things that we had to wait for.  As the saying goes, easy come easy go.  It’s the things that we had to fight for, struggle for or wait for the longest for that we appreciate the most and we cherish the most. Think of the story of Jacob and Rachel.  Jacob worked long and hard to marry Rachel and his love for her was strong because of what he went through to get her.  Waiting is powerful in building our gratitude once we receive what we desire.  

These are just five things that I thought about that show the power of waiting, but I’m sure there are a lot of other reasons as to why waiting is so powerful.

I would love for you to share your thoughts on the power of waiting in the comments below.

Don’t wait too long to register for the upcoming Marketplace Messenger Group Intensive on Friday, August 27th at 10 am ET.  If your desire is to attract the clients you are called to serve with ease and flow join this session to:

  • Get clear on your faith-based marketing principles 
  • Set your intention for your business goals for the next 90 days
  • Create a marketing plan and schedule for your business. 

Space is limited, so be sure to register to secure your spot!

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