
S8-E3- She Thinks Like A CEO

Does the technology you use play a key role in the success of your business? Sometimes it can be difficult to navigate the right technology to use to move your business forward. On this episode of the Women Faith + Business Podcast you will discover key business strategies and technology tools, resources and tips that dynamic female entrepreneurs are using to grow, expand and uplevel their businesses.

In this episode we hear from the lead/visionary author of the book “She Thinks Like a CEO:  Leveraging Technology For Today’s Women Leaders”, Carol J Dunlop and co-authors Nadine Mullings, Dr. Lori A Manns, and Alicia Couri. They share key strategies and tools that you can use in your business to help you to grow and expand.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT- This is the 100th Episode of the Women Faith + Business Podcast. Join us in the celebration by watching this episode!

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On this episode you will hear:

  • The backstory of the She Thinks Like a CEO book
  • How Carol was able to repurpose, rebrand, refresh and rebirth the book and how it became a best seller 
  • The difference between a strategy and a tool
  • The importance of picking the right strategy even if the tool changes
  • The impact of various forms of video on your business
  • The power of email marketing 
  • How scheduling tools can make your business more effective and efficient
  • And so much more…


Discover the key to achieving success as a dynamic female entrepreneur with “She Thinks Like a CEO”! This is one of the best technology books for helping you to understand the roadmap to success by teaching you how to leverage modern business technology to your advantage. Whether your business is just starting out or in the growth phase, you’ll find an array of tools and resources tailored to your business needs. Use this example of business books for women entrepreneurs to learn from accomplished leaders for mentorship and motivation as you cultivate CEO-caliber thinking and experience the remarkable expansion of your business.

Highlighted Chapters from the Book:

  • Done-For-You Solution that Solves Your Branding & Visibility Challenge-  Alicia Couri
  • Video Marketing:  A “Must-Have” for Today’s Entrepreneur–  Dr Lori Manns
  • Go Further Faster, Have Less Stress, And Make More Money–  Nadine Mullings
  • Automate Your Lead Generation and Turn Leads Into Clients by Leveraging THIS Technology Tool-  Carol J Dunlop 

Recommended tools form the Book: 


Carol J. Dunlop, The Online WOW! Strategist and 8X Amazon Best-selling author, influential podcast host, and expert event producer, teaches Purpose Driven Entrepreneurs to convert marketing into money using their WOW! Website, along with the Best UN-Marketing Strategy, so they can fund their lifestyle using their business. Carol’s clients hail from cities across the U.S.A., the U.K., Canada, South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia. Carol is currently working to promote the Best-Selling books, Influential podcasts, and Expert summits that she and her clients are creating.












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S8-E2- 90 Day Activate Your Faith Journal

Are you ready to identify, resolve, and overcome the blessing blockers that could be standing in your way? Things like fear, perfectionism, self-doubt, indecision, and distraction. In this episode of the Women Faith + Business Podcast we hear from visionary/lead author, Nadine Mullings and co-authors Carol J Dunlop and Patricia Hopkins of the 90-Day Activate Your Faith Journal: Strengthen Your Faith By Overcoming Your Blessing Blockers. 

Watch this episode:

They share how to activate your faith and overcome what’s blocking your blessings. During the episode you will discover:

  • The backstory of the book
  • The format of the book 
  • How God uses people to encourage you along the way  
  • The 9 key blessing blockers that stop women of faith in business in their tracks
  • How to overcome your blessing blockers
  • How overcoming is a daily activity
  • The importance of anchor scriptures and affirmations
  • How to be a distraction destroyer 
  • How to be confident in your YES!
  • The power of journaling 
  • And so much more…


Move past your blessing blockers and take the next step in your journey as a Woman of Faith in Business with the 90-Day Activate Your Faith journal. This journal provides key anchor scriptures from the Bible to help you lean on God’s word and His promises as you tackle the top 9 blessing blockers that stop Woman of Faith in Business. Through this journal, you’ll be able to identify, resolve, and overcome the Blessing Blockers that stand in the way of your blessings. With ample room to write, you can communicate with God and share what’s on your heart.

Benefits of this book:

  • Activate your faith and overcome what’s blocking your blessings
  • Discover how to break free from fear, worry, self-doubt, comparison, pride, and more
  • Get key anchor scriptures that help you lean on God’s word and His promises
  • Take the next step in your journey as a Woman of Faith in Business


Nadine Mullings is the CEO + Founder of Nadine Mullings Marketing Agency and the Women Faith + Business Community. She is passionate about assisting women of faith in business to market and promote their businesses both online and offline using Spirit-led marketing strategies.

With over 20 years of experience in marketing and an MBA with an E-commerce specialization, Nadine uses her experience and education to help women business owners to promote their brands using her proven B.E.S.T. Content Marketing System. She works with coaches, consultants, and content creators to help them to get strategic, specific, and Spirit-led so that they can attract new clients, get repeat business, and build a strong social network.








PRAYER LINE- 1-562-766-7310

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S8-E1- Women Faith + Business Podcast Season 8 Begins!

Welcome to Season 8, Episode 1 of the Women Faith + Business Podcast.

On this episode of the podcast, I introduce Season 8 of the podcast! I’m especially excited about this season because 8 represents NEW BEGINNINGS and this season is a totally NEW look, feel and format for the Women Faith + Business Podcast.

The look, feel, and format may be new, but the mission of the podcast remains the same, to showcase the stories of women of faith in business who are not only using their businesses to make a difference in the world, but are using their business platforms to glorify God.

This season we will be sharing the inspiring stories of powerful women of faith in business who have authored purpose-driven collaborative books and anthologies.

Watch this episode:

In this episode I share:

  • The importance and significance of the number 8 .
  • The theme for Season 8 is spotlighting visionary/lead authors of collaborative purpose-driven books
  • Each episode is a panel discussion with the lead author and some of the co-authors of the book
  • Both audio and video of each episode will be made available

The episodes this season revolve around conversation about purpose-driven books about: 

  • Breakthrough Moments
  • Living Your Optimal Life
  • Women of Wisdom
  • Unlock Your Voice
  • Activate Your Faith
  • Inspiring Women
  • And so much more…

Tune in for Season 8 of the Women Faith + Business Podcast!

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Self-Care v. Soul-Care



Self-care tends to be a popular topic.  Especially for women who tend to wear many hats including, wives, mothers, business owners, employees, sisters, friends, care taker, ministry leader, etc. 

I definitely believe it’s important to make self-care a priority as the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup. If you are pouring from your cup (your needs) instead of your saucer (your overflow), you will always be thirsty (drained). So putting yourself first and taking care of yourself is important to not just your own well-being but for the people who are close to you. 

However, there is a difference between self-care and soul-care, and it’s important for us to make sure that we are taking care of our soul. What does it look like to take care of your soul on a consistent basis? I share the difference between self-care and soul-care and how to make sure you are taking care of your soul. 

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Busy Work v. Life’s Work

ORIGINAL POST:  6/8/2021


Did you know that your time is one of your most valuable assets?  In my last blog post I shared about the difference between Chronos time and Kairos time, be sure to check out the post if you missed it. 

This post is specifically talking about the time that we spend working.  Did you know that during our lifetime we will spend a large percentage of our time working on our jobs?  In fact, it is estimated that the average person will spend 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime.

So considering this, it would make sense that we choose a job or career that we find enjoyable and impactful.  However, many people work in jobs or even careers that they don’t enjoy for months or even years! Are you one of the many that is doing this?

I love this quote by Brendon Burchard:

“When you learn the difference between doing busywork vs your true life’s work, that’s the first step on the path to purpose”-  Brendon Burchard 

It’s so easy to get stuck in a cycle of doing work that we don’t enjoy if we think of a job as a way to make money to pay bills, but I believe strongly that God did not put us on the earth to pay bills and die!  He has given each of us a bigger purpose and He desires us to use our talents, abilities, gifts, and skills (I like to call our T.A.G.S.) to do purpose-driven work which is our life’s work.

So how do we identify the difference between “busy work” and our “life’s work“?  I attempt to break it down in this post.

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Chronos Time v. Kairos Time



Last week on the blog I discussed the difference between busy work v life’s work and how a large percentage of our time on earth will be spent working, so it’s important to make sure you are doing your life’s work and not just busy work. If you missed the post, be sure to check it out.

This week I want to explore the definition of time and go a little deeper on the topic of how we spend our time. I recently became more aware of the concept of two types of time, Kairos Time and Chronos Time

According to Wikipedia, Kairos is an Ancient Greek word meaning the right, criticalproper or opportune moment or time for action while Chronos refers to chronological or sequential time.  

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Good Idea v God Idea


A couple of years ago, I was on an interview and I was asked, “What do you think is the difference between a good idea and God’s idea?”  The interviewer felt like all good things come from God so if it’s a good idea then move forward with it. 

At the time, I didn’t have a clear point of view of a good idea versus a God idea, but several months later it became crystal clear what the difference was. So in this blog post, I will share the revelation that I received regarding a good idea v. God idea.

As entrepreneurs and business owners, we usually have more ideas than the average person, and many ideas could be considered good ideas. The question then is, as believers in business how do we determine whether to move forward with a good idea and whether the idea is a God thing or simply a good thing!   

The biggest way to know the difference is to recognize the difference between a good idea and a God idea:  

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Prayer + Fasting

There is no denying prayer is powerful.  I outlined the power of prayer in my post last week, but certain things can only be accomplished, completed, attained through the powerful spiritual discipline of both prayer and fasting!

This week’s vlog, I share Prayer + Fasting:  The Power of Praying and Fasting. 

Quick Summary:

The main benefit of prayer is it is a direct line to our Creator.  It is the way we get to communicate with God.  God not only hears us, but He listens to us and He answers our prayers.  

The main benefit of fasting is it strengthens us Spiritually and allows us to hear clearly from God.  

When you practice both prayer and fasting you are communicating with God and hearing clearly from God and that is a powerful thing! 

Benefits of Prayer

There are so many benefits to prayer! I outlined several of the benefits in the Power of Prayer vlog, but for this post, I’m focusing on the fact that prayer is our key communication method with our Heavenly Father.  When we pray we are in direct communication with God and He hears us, listens to us, and answers our prayers. How wonderful is that?!

Benefits of Fasting

Fasting is the Spiritual principle of abstaining from food for an extended period of time. That time could be an hour, a day, a week. it depends on how you are led.  

The main key is that you are abstaining from physical food.  Some people fast from social media, sugar, etc, but that is more of a sacrifice than a true fasting so when I say fasting I mean fasting from food.  

There are many benefits to fasting.  One of the biggest benefits is the fact that it decreases our desires of the flesh and increases our desires of our spirit, so practicing the discipline of fasting allows us to grow spiritually.  

In addition, fasting nurtures the fruit of self-discipline from the fruit of the Spirit.  It allows us to grow in being self-discipline.  It allows us to have self-control which is an important fruit of the Spirit.  

Benefits of Prayer and Fasting

The combination of prayer and fasting is like a super power!  In fact, scripture says in Matthew [17:21] that certain things will only be accomplished with the combination of prayer and fasting.  

When you activate the spiritual discipline of prayer (communication with God) and the spiritual discipline of fasting (decreasing flesh and increasing spirit so you can hear clearly from God) all things become possible. 

Invitation to the Faith Activation Club

You’re invited to join us for the Faith Activation Club. It’s not just a journey, but an EXPERIENCE that will include prayer, fasting, and journaling in a safe, sacred container of support.

If you desire to GROW spiritually, personally, and in your business, you are invited to join us in the Faith Activation Club, membership is open now to March 28th.

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The Power of Prayer

Prayer is one of the most important and powerful spiritual principles that can impact your life and your business. 

This week’s vlog, I share 3 keys to having a powerful and impactful prayer life!

Quick Summary:

The 4 Keys to a Powerful and Impactful Prayer Life include:

1. Communication

2. Communion

3. Connection

4. Consistency

1. Communication

Prayer is the key way to build relationship with God.  The A.C.T.S. method is a framework that you can use for prayer and includes:  

  • A-  Adoration–  Offering God praise for who He is
  • C-  Confession- We have all sinned and fallen short.  Prayer gives you an opportunity to confess your sins to God and repent.   
  • T-  Thanks–  Giving thanks for all God has done, all God is doing and all God will do.  Having an attitude of Gratitude is God’s will for us.
  • S- Specific–  Make your request specific.  Matthew 7:7 says to “Ask”  so ask for specific things when you are making a prayer request.

2. Communion

Communion is defined as the sharing of intimate thoughts and feelings, especially when the exchange is on a mental or spiritual level. 

3. Connection

Prayer allows you to connect with God in a personal and private way.  

4. Consistency

Prayer is most effective when it’s consistent.  The Bible teaches to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians [5:16]-18) 

Invitation to the Faith Activation Club

You’re invited to join us for the Faith Activation Club. It’s not just a journey, but an EXPERIENCE that will include prayer, fasting, and journaling in a safe, sacred container of support.

If you desire to GROW spiritually, personally, and in your business, you are invited to join us in the Faith Activation Club, membership is open now to March 28th.  

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Activate Your Faith

We have all been given a “measure” of FAITH, but are we actively working to strengthen our faith?  

Firstly, let’s define faith, according to Hebrews 11:1, faith is the substance of things HOPED for, the evidence of things NOT SEEN.  Faith requires ACTION because faith without works is DEAD!  

This week’s vlog, I share 3 spiritual principles that will help you STRENGTHEN your FAITH!

Quick Summary:

Are you ACTIVATING your FAITH?  Discover 3 Spiritual disciplines that allow you to STRENGTHEN and ACTIVATE your FAITH:

  1. Prayer-  The act of consistently communicating with God
  2. Fasting-  Allows you to decrease your flesh and increase your spirit 
  3. Guided Journaling-  Allows you to hear from the Holy Spirit.   

1. Prayer

Prayer is one of the most important spiritual disciplines because it allows you to communicate with the creator of you and all things.  Prayer is simply a conversation with God.  Sometimes people are intimidated with prayer, especially in public settings, but if we look at it as a simple conversation and we communicate authentically then there is no need to be intimidated.  

You can strengthen your faith by having a consistent prayer habit and praying authentically from your heart whether it’s a public or private prayer.  Make prayer personal to you.

2. Fasting

One of the biggest benefits of fasting is CLARITY!   The act of not eating for an extended period of time can help to decrease your FLESH and increase your SPIRIT.  A key strategy when fasting is to replace the times when you would have been eating physical food with eating spiritual food like worship songs, sermons, or spiritual podcasts. Doing these things to replace eating during your time of fasting helps to STRENGTHEN your FAITH!

Decide what works best for you to be consistent with fasting. Whether it’s for 1 day, 21 days, 1 hr a day, or 12 hrs a day, pick what you feel led to do and start to practice the spiritual discipline of FASTING!

3. Guided Journaling

Guided journaling is a great way to hear from the Holy Spirit. It offers an opportunity to REFLECT, allows you to PROCESS your thoughts, feelings and emotions; and to track your PROGRESS as you GROW spiritually!

Invitation to the Faith Activation Club

You’re invited to join us for the Faith Activation Club. It’s not just a journey, but an EXPERIENCE that will include prayer, fasting, and journaling in a safe, sacred container of support.

If you desire to GROW spiritually, personally, and in your business, you are invited to join us in the Faith Activation Club starting on Thursday, March 14th at 12 pm ET.

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