I’ve mentioned in several of my blog posts that having consistent events for your business is a great marketing strategy. Events give people an opportunity to learn more about you, more about the business, and more about your product or service. Over the last decade or so, Virtual Events have become very popular. I define virtual events as any type of event that does not take place in person.
Here are some examples of types of virtual events you can have to market your business:
- Tele-Seminars– Tele-Seminars have become very popular because they are easy to execute. All you need is a telephone and a conference line, and you will be able to conduct an event over the phone. Many companies are using this strategy to introduce prospects to their business, product, service, program, etc. Although teleseminars are a great strategy, the down side is the lack of visuals. A company has to rely solely on audio and many people need to see visuals. That is why most tele-seminars encourage listeners to go to a website to get more information and to sign-up.
- Webinars- Similar to tele-seminars, webinars have become super popular with the increased popularity of the use of the Internet. Webinars are seminars conducted via the web and participants are able to both hear the speakers and see the visuals. Webinars are also very easy to put together, all you need to do is use a webinar software that either has VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) or you can also use a conference line for people to be able to hear the webinar. Including a consistent webinar in your marketing strategy can be helpful to growing your business.
- Videos– Videos are a great way to conduct virtual events. Whether it’s a demo video, interview video, etc. videos allow you to create events and post them online to create a virtual event. You can pre-record the video or stream it live.
- Livecasts– Livecasts have also become popular because you are able to actually conduct a live training or seminar which includes a live audience and then stream it over the Internet so that it can be viewed by others online. This strategy is not totally virtual seeing that you may or may not have a live audience when taping the livecast.
- Livestreams– Similar to Livecasts, Livestreams are not totally virtual because a live stream usually occurs during an actual in-person event like a conference or seminar. The added ability to record it live and have people view the event via the Internet makes the Livestream a virtual event.
Are you including events in your marketing strategy? If so, are you also using Virtual Events to grow your business?