If you are using email marketing to promote your business, or you are thinking about using email marketing to promote your business, then the first step to being successful in your email marketing efforts is to BUILD YOUR LIST:
The money is in your list and it is important for you to consistently build your e-mail list. Here are 7 tips on how to successful build your e-mail list:
- Send an invitation to join your e-mail list to the contacts that you have e-mail addresses for. INVITE them to opt-in to receive your e-mails, don’t just add your contacts to your e-mail list, make sure they have opted in (you don’t want to be a spammer- someone who consistently sends e-mails to individuals who did not request it).** A big pet peeve of mine is do not add individuals whom you met at a networking event to your e-mail list unless they have requested to join your list or they have opted in! **
- Offer a good incentive that people in your target market would be interested in receiving if they opt in to your e-mail list (i.e. FREE report, e-Book, white paper, checklist, etc.)
- Concentrate on QUALITY not just QUANTITY when it comes to your list size. The size of your list doesn’t matter as much as the quality of the people on your list.** ideally you do want to grow your list into a large list with lots of quality individuals from your target market **
- Create an e-mail sign-up form and place it on your website, blog, social networks, etc.
- In order for your list to grow, you have to promote joining your list. Promote joining your e-mail list on your social networks, e-mail, website, blog, etc.
- Don’t limit the promotion of joining your e-mail list to just your online activities, but also promote joining your e-mail list on your offline marketing material by including a QR Code that links to your e-mail sign up form on your business card, brochures, etc.
- Make it easy for people to join your email list by including easy joining methods like join via text message
What techniques and ways do you use for people to join your e-mail list?
Just as equally important as growing your e-mail list is the content in your e-mail. The next blog post in this series will discuss how to create engaging content that will make people want to open your e-mails and give you business. Stay tuned for the next blog post or click here to download the complete checklist of 21 Things You Must Do in Order to Get Amazing Results from Your Email Marketing!
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