Overwhelm v. Overflow

When it comes to marketing your business in 2022 there are 1001+ ways to market and promote your business. For the average entrepreneur and/or business owner, it can be overwhelming with all the things you need to DO to market your business. But as believers, we know that we don’t do things in our own strength, but we are guided and led by God specifically about how to BE and what to DO in the marketplace.   

When we are Spirit-led in marketing our business, we move from overwhelm to overflow. What exactly does it look like to be Spirit-led when it comes to marketing your business?  

In this post, I will share how to simplify your marketing so you can step into overflow and avoid overwhelm.

The first step to simplify your marketing is to create a spirit-led marketing plan-  A plan that keeps you organized so you know what you need to be doing to market and promote your business on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.  Here are 3 things to include in a spirit-led marketing plan:

1.  Your marketing foundation–  Your marketing foundation includes 5 key things

2.  Your top 3 purpose-driven goals-  Identifying the top 3 goals God has given you for the next 90 days

3.  Take massive Spirit-led action–  Once you have identified your God-given goals then the next step is to take massive Sprit-led action even if it is outside of your comfort zone!

These 3 steps will help you to simplify your marketing and move from overwhelm to overflow in your business.  Want to discover more about being spirit-led in your marketing and becoming a marketplace messenger in your industry?  

Be sure to join me for the upcoming Marketplace Messenger Masterclass on Wednesday, March 23 at 2:00 pm ET.  Click on the link below to register to attend:

Marketplace Messenger Masterclass

Posted by Nadine Mullings  |  Comments Off on Overwhelm v. Overflow  |  in Uncategorized

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