When it comes to promoting your business, it is important to not put all of your promotional eggs in one basket! What I mean by this is be sure to promote your product or services through various promotional avenues both online and offline. For the purpose of this post, I will discuss the importance of having various promotional eggs online.
When it comes to promoting your business online, there are many ways to accomplish this. You have to choose the best method for you and your business, but here are some of the basic promotional avenues you should be using:
1. Company Website– This seems like a no brainer, but I recently read a statistic that said 30% of businesses do not have a company website. What?!!! A company website is your company’s online profile and the way that people get to know you and your business. Your website should include information about your company, your products and services, locations, etc. Using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies and tactics both organic and pay per click are great ways for potential customers to reach your website and get to know about your company.
2. Company Blog– Now it can be argued whether a company needs a website and a blog, but in my opinion, now a days a company should have both. A company blog differs from the company website, because the blog is a way for people to learn about your company’s expertise and allows you to show-up as an expert in your particular field based on the information you post. If people don’t reach you by going to your website, a blog on a popular blogging site gives people another avenue to learn about you and your business with the informative posts that you place on the blog.
3. Email Marketing– Opt-in E-Mail Marketing is a great way for you to keep your company and your products and services top of mind for existing clients or prospects. When a business is top of mind with consumers, they are more likely to continue to use your product or service (as long as they are happy with it) and would be more likely to refer business to you if you stay in contact with them and offer good valuable information and or discounts. Email Marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to stay top of mind with your customers and prospects online.
4. Social Media Presence– Now this a huge topic that could be a separate post, but is necessary to include as a part of any company’s online promotional efforts. With social media it is important for a company to know its target market, select the appropriate social media platforms to reach that target market, and have a social media strategy in order for promoting on social media to be successful for the company.
By making sure that you are not putting all your promotional eggs in one basket, you are ensuring that your message is reaching the right people in the right places, and the idea is for those promotional eggs to hatch into repeat or potential customers.
What promotional avenues/eggs online are you using for your business? Be sure to post a comment below.