The Power of Compound Content

How to Use #ContentMarketing to Grow Your Business

As an entrepreneur, business owner, coach or consultant, who runs a service-based business, one of the best ways to get your ideal clients to happily pay you the money that you are worth is to be known as an expert and authority in your field, and one of the best ways to become an expert or authority in your field is to produce content online.

Content comes in many forms articles, blogs, videos, pictures, and audio.  When you produce your own original content, it shows that you care about your audience enough to create useful information that they can freely consume.  Original content solidifies you as an expert and authority in your field.

So why would you want to be known as an expert or authority in your field?  Well, when you take this position in your industry, you get more opportunities, you’re able to reach more people, and you get paid more money, so if you want to make an impact, your goal should be to become known as a leader, expert, and authority in your field.

So where should you house your online content?  One of the best places to house your content online is on your website, and specifically on the blog section of your website.  No matter what type of content your choose to produce, housing it on your website will benefit you because it draws consistent traffic to your website, but the magic happens with the compound content effect.

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What is the compound content effect? Similar to compound interest, interest paid on both the principal and on accrued interest, compound content is when the original reach of your content grows over time by being shared or searched, so you don’t just get the benefits of your content when you initially publish it, but it will benefit you over, and over, and over again as more people find and engage with your content over time.

Here are three ways that your content compounds:

  1. Email

    Once you create your original content, you need to promote it.  One of the best ways to promote your content is to the people who are already in your database via your email list.  Promoting it to your email list allows you to  amplify your content to a group of people who already know and like you.  However,  email has the lowest compound effect because most of the time it is limited to just the people who open your email, and read your content.  A few of those people may share your email by forwarding it to a friends or family, but for the most part your reaching just the people on your list and the time period in which the content is consumed is limited to just a couple of days after you send out the email.

  2. Social Media

    Another way to promote your content is through your social media networks.  You can have two types of social media promotion, organic social media promotion in which you are reaching your followers and fans, who in turn can share with their network which compounds the reach of your content.  The second type of promotion is paid social media promotion, where you can pay to promote your content on various platforms, so you increase the reach of your content by reaching an audience of individuals who you are not currently connected to.  Whether you promote organically, you pay to promote, or both, your content is now being compounded and reaching more people.  Depending on the social media platform, you can consistently get new traffic to your content for hours, days, months or even years.

  3. SEO

    We are all familiar with the power of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).  Whenever we search to find something online, we utilize one of the big search engines to help us find what we are looking for.  Getting ranked so your content appears high in the search engines, is something I am not an expert on, and can be very complicated with the advanced algorithms of the various search engines, however, a website that produces valuable content on a consistent basis that covers the topic that a person is searching for, is more likely to be found than a website that has no original content about the topic, so housing original content on your website can help people to reach you.  Similar to social media, you can also invest in paid search marketing which allows you to pay for placement of your content in a higher position in the search engine, so whether your content appears organically or is paid, you have a better chance of reaching more people with your content.  The great thing about people coming across your content online via search is there is no time limit, someone could come across content you produced years ago, so you really feel the power of compound content when it comes to search engine optimization.

These are just three ways the you can achieve compound content, and how people can view you as an expert or authority in your field through the content that you produce.  However, it’s not enough to know the power of compound content, you also have to create a content plan that includes the promotion of your content.  For help creating a content plan, check out The B.E.S.T. Marketing Plan Course™, which covers how to use blogging, email, social media, and text message marketing in your business.

Are you creating content for your business?  If so, be sure to comment below and let us know how content marketing has helped to increase your reach online.












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