Last week we focused on content and how to use content marketing to grow your business. Be sure to check it out to learn ways to better use your content. This week, let’s focus on INNOVATION. I want to talk about how to be innovative or creative to increase repeat business. Take a look at the video or read the summary below to learn more.
Tony Robbins talks about how INNOVATION does not have to be creating something brand new or never before seen, but it can be how you provide your service or product. This is the mindset I want to discuss INNOVATION from today.
One of my focuses for 2020 is to improve my self-care regimen. I made the decision to get a monthly massage. Whenever I make decisions I approach it in threes. For instance, in making my decision of where to receive the monthly massage I chose three spas, I got three quotes, and I received the services from each of the three spas I chose. I evaluated my experience at each location and thought about how each elevated the experience in their own way.
As we present our services and products we need to think about how we can elevate the service to make it different from the norm. It may be something small that others in your industry are not doing or it can be something completely different.
Share how you can or already innovatively tweak your service or product to produce repeat business. What makes your business stand out from others in your industry?
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