Top 5 most impactful books in 2023

This year has been a year of GROWTH and a large contributor to my growth this year has been the books that I have read. In this post I’m sharing the top 5 books that impacted me the most this year.

Every year I select a daily devotional and this year I selected this devotional. I have several devotionals by Joyce Meyer, but this one was so impactful this year because each day includes a scripture verse, a story, a thought of the day, and the opportunity to dig deeper on the topic for that day by offering two additional scripture verses. I especially like this feature because it allows me to go deeper into what God’s word says about the topic for that day. I liked it so much that I will be doing the same devotional again next year for 2024!

I was led to purchase this additional devotional journal this year, so in addition to my daily devotional I also did this devotional journal for 100 days in 2023. What I like most about this devotional is the journaling. Being able to go deeper by journaling my thoughts and getting one word a day to remind me of who I am in Christ really helped to boost and impact my confidence. Each day provides a word, scripture verses to support the word of the day, a key scripture, a place to journal your thoughts and a declaration.

I was introduced to this book in my Pinnacle Forum group. A group that has helped me to grow personally and spiritually. This book is a must read and something that I will definitely read again. It taught me the importance of circling my prayers and the many ways that I can circle my prayers including circling and praying about a scripture/promise of God, physically circling something, and circling my prayers by fasting. This book is powerful and is now in my top list of all spiritual development books that I have in my library.

This book is a supplement to The Circle Maker book. Each day of the challenge offers a scripture verse, an explanation and an impactful quote to help you grow spiritually and specifically in the area of your prayer life. It’s easy to digest as it’s in bit sized daily content. This book was something that we also did as a group in my Pinnacle Forum group and we were able to share praise reports, insights, ah ha’s and more as a group which made it even more impactful.

This was a small, short, but powerful book that shared the power in what we believe. Our belief is one of the greatest abilities God has given us so taking time to read a book about unlocking the power of believing was so impactful this year. As I continue my journey to believe bigger!

Honorable mentions:

This year I published by first collaborative book, so I couldn’t create a list of books that impacted me the most in 2023 without including my very own 90-Day Activate Your Faith Journal

This journal is all about taking the steps to overcome key blessing blockers that stop women of faith in their tracks. Things like procrastination, fear, complaining, doubt, distraction, etc. The journal includes 10 days of going deep on each of the 9 blessing blockers included in the journal and allows you space to journal about how the blessing blocker may be impacting you. Each page has a scripture verse to help you study God’s Word on the topic and each author shares how she overcame or is overcoming this blessing blocker in her life. It also include special gifts from each author. It was definitely impactful for me in leading this book project and I pray and hope it will be impactful for all those who read and consume the journal.

What books have impacted you this year? Be sure to comment below:

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