This week on the VLOG I share the difference between input and insight and how both are needed and necessary for life and business. However, we look at how insight is more powerful.
Discover how intuition, instincts, and inspiration can be powerful to guide you in business and as a believer in business the gifting and relevance of the Holy Spirit and being led by the Holy Spirit in business.
INPUT- something that is put in
For the sake of this conversation INPUT is outward sources (coaches, experts, books, etc.) information that we receive from outside sources. This can be super helpful in life and business.
You can get input from:
- Coaches & Counselors can help to shift you to the next level through guidance, instructions, directions. Therapists process pain while coaches guided you in various areas. Both are needed and necessary.
- Computer- AI you put input and the computer gives you awesome output
INSIGHT – the power or act of seeing into a situation
For the sake of this conversation INSIGHT is your inward sources (intuition, inspiration, imagination, Holy Spirit). Information that we are given that comes from inside. This can be the most powerful guidance and includes: Intuition- Direct perception of TRUTH
- Instinct- Innate impulse, tendency to ACT
- As believers we are gifted with the Holy Spirit there to guide, instruct, and direct us (John [14:26])
INSIGHT is more powerful than INPUT. Get input but lean on insight.
Activate Your Faith Mastermind:
Learn more about being Spirit-led in business join the Activate Your Faith Mastermind link below to sign-up for an interest call:
Grow Your Business From Within Summit (August 27-29, 2024)