3 C’s to Get Amazing Results from Social Media Marketing

Over the last eight years or so, Social Media has become very popular for personal use and business use.  Businesses are learning how to use various social networks to reach out to current customers and get new prospects just by having an active presence on social media.  Some businesses are doing this very successfully, and other businesses not so much!

In order to be successful with your social media marketing it is important to keep the 3 C’s of Social Media in mind.  In this blog post, I will be go through the 3 C’s and why each one is important to your success on Social Media:

3 “CON”s:

CONnections- The reason why your business is on social media is to connect with people.  These people could be your current customers and also potential customers.  Your goal with your connections is to make sure you are connecting to people who are interested in your company and what you have to offer.  When you keep this in mind, you concentrate on the quality and not the quantity of your fans or followers.  It is more important to have 100 people who are interested in what you have to say than 1,000 people who couldn’t care less.  When you concentrate on strategies to grow your network organically then you naturally attract individuals who are interested in your business.

CONversations-  No matter what social network your business may be on, it is important that you are not TALKING TO or TALKING AT  people, but you are STARTING CONVERSATIONS.  The whole point of social networks is to be “Social” and the best way to be social is by having engaging conversations with people.  Treat your followers and fans like a best friend that you are talking to online.  When you create a conversation in a way that is geared to a more one on one feel, people will feel more connected to you and your business.  Make sure your conversations are entertaining, informative and not “salesy”, nobody likes to feel “sold to”.

CONversions-  your goal on social media should really be for your customers to become more loyal and your prospective customers to learn more about your business.  The best way to accomplish this is to convert them to your other online marketing channels where you can build an even strong relationship.  The three best places to convert your social media followers to are your website, your blog, and your e-mail list.

When you convert them to your website, they are able to learn more about your company and what you have to offer and if your website is designed correctly, they will also have an opportunity to purchase products or services they may be interested in, and/or sign-up for your e-mail list.  Converting individuals to your e-mail list is important because you are able to create a strong relationship with an individual via e-mail because e-mail is more one-to-one while social networks tend to be one to many.  The one-to-one areas are where you tend to create trust and this can help you build your business.  Lastly, you want to convert your followers/fans to your blog because your blog is where you showcase your expertise and where people can learn from you.  When someone is learning from you, they are more likely to buy from you.

Bonus C:

CONsistency-  any marketing activity that you do, it is important for you to be consistent.  If you are not consistent with your efforts, you will not see consistent results.  Whether you decide to post several times a day, once a day, every other day, etc. be sure to do it consistently.  This shows you are committed to building your relationship with your customers and prospects customers, and also show that your company is reliable.

What strategies for social media marketing success do you have for your company?  Be sure to share your comments below.

Posted by Nadine Mullings  |  Comments Off on 3 C’s to Get Amazing Results from Social Media Marketing  |  in Marketing, Social Media, Uncategorized

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