How to use social media to get more traffic to your website

How to use social media to get more traffic to your website

As a business owner, entrepreneur, coach or consultant, it’s important to have an online presence in the form of a website, but just having a website is not enough, you need to generate traffic to your website.

One of the best ways to generate traffic to your website is using social media to promote the content on your blog.  Blog posts are educational and people always want to learn more, so promoting your blog posts on social media can be a great way to get traffic to your website.

In fact, websites with a blog that consistently add content to their blog see 55% more traffic to their website and small businesses that blog get 126% more lead growth than small businesses that do not blog (for more statistics on how blogging increases your website traffic, check out this blog post from impact on blogging statistics)

Here are five ways you can promote your blog post on social media to get more traffic to your website:

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1.  Create a compelling headline 

This may seem like a no brainer, but headlines are everything when it comes to getting people to click and read your blog post from social media, so create compelling headlines.  Two easy headline formulas are:

  1. How to headlines... (ie, How to …..)
  2. List headlines.. (i.e. 4 Ways to…., 5 tips to….)

Think about the problems that your specific audience has and create compelling headlines using the formula above.  As much as it seems over done, it still works and can help you to get traffic to your website.  For more compelling headlines and blog post ideas, check out this article on about The 10 Blog Post Ideas You NEED to Create

2.  Promote the post on more than one social network

If you are on more than one social network for your business, then it’s important to remember to promote the post on all the networks that you are active on, for example my top 3 social networks for my business are LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter so whenever I create a blog post I make sure that I am promoting the post on all three networks.

3.  Customize the post for each social network

Because each social network is so different, it is important to customize the post for each network, it may be tempting to post the exact same post on each network, but in order to be more effective, you should customize it to match the network, for example Instagram is huge on hashtags so you could have over 10 hashtags on a post and that would work fine on Instagram.  However, hashtags are not so important on LinkedIn so having several hashtags on a post can be distracting and look somewhat unprofessional for LinkedIn, each platform has its own way of doing things, so it’s important to adjust each post to match the network.

4.  Promote more than once 

Most of the time people will post a blog post when it first comes out on their blog, however, they are missing a large percentage of reach by not promoting more than once.  Depending on the platform, you can even post more than once in one day.  Platforms like Twitter move very fast so posting more than once a day about the same post would be fine, but platforms like LinkedIn which are slower, would mean posting several times in the month.

5.  Repurpose blog content

Another way to promote your blog posts more than once on social media is to repurpose the content.  When you create a blog post you can also create a live stream about the content of the post and link viewers back to your post.  Live streaming on platforms like Facebook work really well.  You can also create an infographic with the same information and link it back to the blog post.  Infographics work really well for visual sites like Pinterest, so repurposing your content in different formats and promoting it on social media works really well.

Want to learn how to use social media for your business even if you’re introverted, private, or just not that social?  Be sure to check out my upcoming webinar, “How to Use Social Media When You’re Introverted, Private, or Just Not that “Social”” on Thursday, August 24th at 7:00 pm EST.  Be sure to register to attend today!


















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