God has a unique way of guiding us on this journey of life. We are all different and God speaks to us in different ways, but He always provides divine connections and identifies key patterns to give us direction on our journey.
On this episode I chat with Phil Bynes, the CEO of Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur. He shares his faith and business journey and the connections and patterns God has revealed to him on his journey.
On this episode you will hear:
- How a class in college set him on the path to entrepreneurship
- How he became the father of the Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur movement
- Signposts that encourage you in your faith
- There is no compartmentalization with God
- The many ways that he hears from God
- How God directed him to course correct his business offers
About Phil Bynes
Phil is simply a man that loves God and his family. Phil is called to father the movement of Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur into full maturity which requires him to be continually fathered by the everlasting father. He is not sure he is qualified but he knows that he is called..
Connect with Phil Bynes
Website- kingdomdrivenentrepreneur.com
Social Media- facebook.com/KingdomDrivenEntrepreneur