How facing your fears can drastically increase your business

How facing your fears can drastically increase your business

As an entrepreneur or business owner, there are some aspects of building a business that will be very intimidating.  This will differ for each person depending on your personality, but in most cases overcoming those fearful aspects can help you increase your business by leaps and bounds.  In this blog post I am taking a look at five common fears that business owners should overcome in order to be successful:

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Some people are intimidated by networking, having to put yourself out there in a room full of strangers can be daunting and intimidating especially for an introvert, but many business owners choose to PUSH past that fear because they know that in order to build a business you have to build relationships and meeting people in person is one of the best ways to start a relationship.  The connections you make at a networking event can lead to partnerships, referrals, new business, and more.

Public Speaking

Some people are afraid of public speaking, in fact it is said to be the #2 fear after death.  As a business owner, even though you may be afraid of public speaking, it can be an AWESOME way to get visibility for your business, and to be known as an expert and authority in your field, so those entrepreneurs who understand the value of public speaking for their businesses will PUSH past the fear and include public speaking in their marketing mix.


Being on camera can be nerve racking and intimidating.  When you create a video especially now a days you know that it can be viewed by sooo many people and some people don’t like to be in the spotlight and be exposed.  However, as a coach or consultant who has a message to share with the world, video can be a great way to get more visibility for your business and your message, so as an entrepreneur, you have to PUSH past the fear and do the video anyway.


Livestreaming can be intimidating because it is LIVE video on social media.  When you have recorded a video, you have the ability to edit the video to make it exactly how you want it, but when you are live, there is no correcting, editing, or fixing the live video.  However, the fact that it is live video is actually what makes people connect with you more and many coaches are PUSHING past their fear and using Livestreaming as a part of their marketing mix.


I have noticed that many business owners are intimidated by blogging for business, they fear being judge by the content that they put out.  However, blogging consistently for your business is an AWESOME way to grow your business.  Whether you decided to have a text-based blog (like this one), a video blog, or an audio blog (a podcast), blogging is a great way to get your message out to grow your business.  In fact, I believe so much in blogging that blogging is one of the pillars of The B.E.S.T. Marketing System™ that I created to help coaches and consultants to get more income, impact, and influence, and for a short time I am offering a FREE blogging success class, so if you are interested in using blogging to grow your business, be sure to check out the free class.

These are just 4 fears that entrepreneurs should overcome in order to grow their businesses, but I know there are a lot more.  What fears have you overcome in order to grow you business?  Be sure to comment below and let us know.

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Posted by Nadine Mullings  |  Comments Off on How facing your fears can drastically increase your business  |  in Business

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