How to Bounce Back After a Disappointment

How to Bounce Back After a Disappointment

Disappointment is something that we ALL have to deal with, whether in our personal or professional life, we WILL be disappointed.  As a business owner, entrepreneur, coach or consultant who takes risks and steps out of your comfort zone on a regular basis, you will probably experience more disappointment than the average person because you are constantly putting yourself out there.  However, you can’t let the fear of disappointment stop you from pursuing your dream, because it’s not about the disappointment, it’s about how you bounce back after you have been disappointed.

Here are three areas in which you will probably experience disappointment, and how to bounce back from that disappointment.

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  1. People

    At some point in your business, people will disappoint you.  They will say they are interested, or they will say that they will support your next venture, but then they do not, so how do you recover from the hurt and disappointment of a person not doing what they said they would do?  It’s simple, actions speak louder than words.  Pay attention to people’s actions not what they say.  If they constantly say they are going to do something, but their actions do not support what they say, then believe their actions and not their words.

    Disappointment occurs when you expect something and then it doesn’t happen.  If you expect someone to do something first think of their prior actions, have they proven to be the type of person that does what they say,  have they supported in the past, do they show up when they say they are going to show up?  If the answer to those questions is NO,  then don’t expect that person to be supportive in the future.  Always pay attention to a person’s actions not their words and this will lessen your chances of being disappointed.

    Also, keep in mind that you are appointed to people at certain times in your life.  You have not been appointed to everyone, so when someone says they will support you and they don’t show up or they don’t support you, you have to keep in mind that maybe that person was not your appointment, that person was not who you were assigned to help at this time, because the people who you are assigned to help or who have been assigned to help you, will show up and will support.  At the end of the day it’s important to not take it personally and to move on quickly!

  2. Place

    A lot of times on our entrepreneurial journey we can feel that we are not where we should be.  We tend to compare our journey to someone else’s and feel like the other person is so much further a long than we are, but we have to understand that everyone has a different path, different vehicle, and different destination. Your gifts, talents, abilities and skills have been assigned to you for your mission and purpose here on earth.  It’s VERY unique and no body else has exactly the same gifts, talents, skills and abilities as you, so their path and results will look different than yours.

    Concentrate on your purpose and what you feel you are called to do and how you are called to serve in this world as a business owner, coach, or consultant, and don’t worry about where you are or where other people are in their businesses.  Always remember what’s for you will be for you!

  3. Circumstances

    We feel that things should go a certain way in our business, we should get the contract, we should get that next client, but then it doesn’t happen and we are disappointed, again we have to look at it as appointments and if a circumstance doesn’t work out in your favor, then it probably was not a divine appointment so it becomes a disappointment, when it is a divine appointment it will happen and it will be in your favor. Don’t get catch up in a particular circumstance, always remember everything happens for a reason, and works out for your good in the end.

So whether you are disappointed by a person, a place, or a circumstance, it’s important to remember that disappointments are a part of the journey, so you need to not take it personally, move on quickly, remember what’s for you will be for you, and everything  works out for your good in the end!

Have you been disappointed in your business?  If so, how have you bounced back from disappointment?  Be sure to comment below and let us know.  Your comment could help someone else bounce back from their disappointment.







Posted by Nadine Mullings  |  Comments Off on How to Bounce Back After a Disappointment  |  in Business

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